Relationship with a lady is all about
(1)Being in love with a lady who loves you back fully or sparingly
(2)Belonging with a lady whom your spirit feels is beautiful enough
for your heart
(3)Dating a lady whom you are never shy to show to the world
(4)Being in deep intimate friendship with a lady whom your good guys
also approve
Relationship with a lady entails
(1)Sacrificing your own time to fulfill hers
(2)Working hard to make her love you back fully
(3)Showing her many reasons why you both should be together
(4)Being available whenever she's in want and need
(5)Sticking closely to her
(A) Commonness: Relationship with a lady is best favored when you have
something in common with her. The lady can be your
(1)Department mate
(2)Fellowship mate
(3)Sports mate
(4)I.T mate
(5)Work mate
(6)School mate, and more
In all the above, you and your lady will always have something to
discuss and ponder about. You both may not be in same level, but yet
you both have a common experience.
The longevity of a relationship is having an issue and things to talk
about and solve. If a lady was your department mate, you both would
always have some assignments and home work to solve together. You both
would always have topics and subtopics to discuss. Same applies to the
other commonness; where you both were IT or sports or work mates. You
would always have something to work on together.
Relationship is very lovely when you both are always engaged in
solving and tackling issues together as they evolve. It engenders
intimacy and faithfulness.
If you didn't/don't have anything in common with your lady, you both
may end up being just sexual partners. That's not a good relationship!
(B) Plainness: Openness, Truthfulness. You have to be a simple guy.
Whether you are very wealthy or not, you have to present yourself as
an ordinary guy. It doesn't harm your personality. A relationship
that's simple and plain is often very difficult to be attacked by
jealous friends.
Again, there's need for openness. No secrets no lies. Your lady should
know who you really are. This promotes trust.
(C) Friendliness: Be good friends with your lady. Play like children.
Do bizarre things together. Do horrible things together. Share your
weaknesses and help each other to strengthen them. Don't just think
you are love and sexual partners. Do think you are the best of
(D) Boldness: Don't be shy. Don't be frightened. Be bold to ask for
anything you want from her.
(E) Stylishness: Common! Don't be old fashioned. Be updated. Be
contemporary. Be a 'bad' guy. Be the social and outing type.
(F) Freedom: Loosen up. Don't take the relationship as bondage. Take
it as something worth enjoying. It's simply a responsibility every man
will face.
(1)Don't worry much about what your parents would say.
Once a reasonable guy is above the age of twenty, his parents should
not restrain him from being in a relationship.
African parents are so 'poky'; always poking their nose into the
private affairs of their grown up kids. At a time, I understood that
parents who interfere with their grown up kids' love lives are parents
whose own love lives are sour. It's a case of jealousy here.
(2)Don't worry if your elder brothers or your friends would have loved
to be-friend the lady.
Just do your own part in making the lady become your's. For the fact
both of you are already in the process, she will continue to see you
as the 'one'.
(3)Don't worry if strings are attached or not.
Don't bother if you ignored her at the beginning when she tripped for you.
Don't bother if she used to see you as ''too religious''
Don't bother if you are not financially buoyant.
Don't bother if you are a small fry
Don't bother about your family problems and background.
Just free yourself, be silly, be daring, be careless, be stubborn, and
be naughty.
Go for her if you want her to be yours.
''Winning the heart of a lady is a competition because other guys may
also wish to have her. But the competition is a game you can win
provided you already have something in common with her, and also doing
your best to make her yours''
Written by: Winston Oge "Winny Greazy"
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