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Relationship with a lady is all about
(1)Being in love with a lady who loves you back fully or sparingly
(2)Belonging with a lady whom your spirit feels is beautiful enough
for your heart
(3)Dating a lady whom you are never shy to show to the world
(4)Being in deep intimate friendship with a lady whom your good guys
also approve

Relationship with a lady entails
(1)Sacrificing your own time to fulfill hers
(2)Working hard to make her love you back fully
(3)Showing her many reasons why you both should be together
(4)Being available whenever she's in want and need
(5)Sticking closely to her

(A) Commonness: Relationship with a lady is best favored when you have
something in common with her. The lady can be your
(1)Department mate
(2)Fellowship mate
(3)Sports mate
(4)I.T mate
(5)Work mate
(6)School mate, and more
In all the above, you and your lady will always have something to
discuss and ponder about. You both may not be in same level, but yet
you both have a common experience.
The longevity of a relationship is having an issue and things to talk
about and solve. If a lady was your department mate, you both would
always have some assignments and home work to solve together. You both
would always have topics and subtopics to discuss. Same applies to the
other commonness; where you both were IT or sports or work mates. You
would always have something to work on together.
Relationship is very lovely when you both are always engaged in
solving and tackling issues together as they evolve. It engenders
intimacy and faithfulness.
If you didn't/don't have anything in common with your lady, you both
may end up being just sexual partners. That's not a good relationship!

(B) Plainness: Openness, Truthfulness. You have to be a simple guy.
Whether you are very wealthy or not, you have to present yourself as
an ordinary guy. It doesn't harm your personality. A relationship
that's simple and plain is often very difficult to be attacked by
jealous friends.
Again, there's need for openness. No secrets no lies. Your lady should
know who you really are. This promotes trust.

(C) Friendliness: Be good friends with your lady. Play like children.
Do bizarre things together. Do horrible things together. Share your
weaknesses and help each other to strengthen them. Don't just think
you are love and sexual partners. Do think you are the best of

(D) Boldness: Don't be shy. Don't be frightened. Be bold to ask for
anything you want from her.

(E) Stylishness: Common! Don't be old fashioned. Be updated. Be
contemporary. Be a 'bad' guy. Be the social and outing type.

(F) Freedom: Loosen up. Don't take the relationship as bondage. Take
it as something worth enjoying. It's simply a responsibility every man
will face.

(1)Don't worry much about what your parents would say.
Once a reasonable guy is above the age of twenty, his parents should
not restrain him from being in a relationship.
African parents are so 'poky'; always poking their nose into the
private affairs of their grown up kids. At a time, I understood that
parents who interfere with their grown up kids' love lives are parents
whose own love lives are sour. It's a case of jealousy here.

(2)Don't worry if your elder brothers or your friends would have loved
to be-friend the lady.
Just do your own part in making the lady become your's. For the fact
both of you are already in the process, she will continue to see you
as the 'one'.

(3)Don't worry if strings are attached or not.
Don't bother if you ignored her at the beginning when she tripped for you.
Don't bother if she used to see you as ''too religious''
Don't bother if you are not financially buoyant.
Don't bother if you are a small fry
Don't bother about your family problems and background.
Just free yourself, be silly, be daring, be careless, be stubborn, and
be naughty.
Go for her if you want her to be yours.

''Winning the heart of a lady is a competition because other guys may
also wish to have her. But the competition is a game you can win
provided you already have something in common with her, and also doing
your best to make her yours''

Written by: Winston Oge "Winny Greazy"

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(1) Think about ''a partner that can make you stand out''
A partner whose physical appearance or internal behavior makes you stand out in the society is the best partner for you.
It's not easy to stand out from your mates, your rivals, your competitors, your enemies; it's not easy.
Once you are able to always stand out amongst your mates and rivals, they will always respect you as a great man. Apart from the respect, you will always have an internal confidence that will empower you to succeed more and more in every business of life.
The more you have the power to succeed, the more you love your partner whose outstanding appearance and behavior gave you that power. And the more you love this partner of yours, the more your married life gets lovely.
Think about a partner who can make you stand out. Examine and then find out that thing you need to stand out from your equals and rivals; and then look for a partner that has it. When you get a partner that has it, I doubt you would let that partner go.

(2) Think about ''a partner you can tolerate his/her ugly side''
Every individual has two sides, the good and the ugly sides.
The ugly side of an individual is that part of their behavior or appearance that does not please the people around them.
If you can tolerate the ugly side of your partner, then he or she is your perfect partner.
The major reason why marriages fail today is the inability of anyone to tolerate the flaws of their partners.
The lack of understanding that every individual has flaws no matter how good they may appear to be also adds to the reasons why marriages fail.
Once you understand your partner's misbehaviors and then have the ability to tolerate them, your marriage will keep moving smoothly and lovely.

(3) Think about ''a partner that can give you the kind of kids you'll wish to produce''
The more you love your kids, the more you love your partner; and consequently the more you'll love your marriage to your partner.
How lovely your kids are will determine how lovely your marriage will be.
When your kids are handsome, beautiful, good looking, intelligent, clever, smart and wonderful, you will tend to love and cherish your partner who helped you in getting those kids. The love for the kids and the love between the parents make the marriage get lovely.
Children in a family are the extension of joy and fulfillment to their parents especially when they are wonderful.
Offsprings are a reflection of their parents, and once these offsprings look good, the parents will tend to love themselves and each other more and more; this will make the marriage get lovelier.
Let the partner you want to marry be the type of kids you'll love to have.
Any kind of kids you wish to produce, look out for them in the person you'll want to make your partner.
Any type of kid you wish to have is the type of partner you'll have to marry.
The kind of kids one produces is equal to the kind of partner they get married to.
Offsprings are genetic replicates of their parents. If you need beautiful kids, you have to look out for a beautiful partner. If you need intelligent kids, you will also have to look out for an intelligent partner.
Your kids are as a result of you and your partner's physiological and morphological interaction.
Good looking kids make the parents look good too. And once a family is filled with good looking and wonderful children, the family itself and the marriage there in will look lovely.

(4) Think about ''a partner that has common aims and goals with you''
It's very lovely to have a partner who you have in common some reasoning, ideas and lifestyle, aims and objectives.
This creates team work which consequently fosters togetherness and loveliness. It will make your marriage get lovely because both of you will always be involved in common wholesome thoughts and actions geared at a common objective.
Another reason why marriages break up today is because of the emergence of a situation where each of the partners involved get filled with thoughts and views that are different from that of the other partner. Once this situation arises, there will no longer be uniformity of the heart. Marriage is a thing of the heart.
So, the more you stay together, have one mind, think and work towards a common goal; the more lovely your marriage will get.

(5)Think about ''a partner that can help you fulfill your destiny''
When you marry a partner that will help you achieve your goal in life, I don't think you'll let that partner go.
You'll tend to love her more and more. This helps your marriage to her to get lovely.
Any factor that facilitates your reach to your destiny, no doubt is your best factor in life.
Any partner that helps you fulfill your destiny is the best partner for your marriage.

(6) Think about ''a partner whose partnership with you is more of business and romance''
Being in business is one of the best things of life.
Being in romance with a partner is also one of the best things of life.
Both business and romance in marriage is very important - when romance fades, business fuels it up; and when business fades, romance fuels it up.
Business in a marriage is when both partners have a steady career, a firm source of income, a commitment, a responsibility, a business minded heart.
Romance in a marriage is when both partners have optimum love for each other; when they always feel, touch, caress and hunger for each other.
Both business and romance are the key ingredients that spice up marriage.
If your marriage with your partner is filled with business and romance, it will get lovely. Both of you will tend to always love each other.

(7) Think about ''a partner that has what turns you on the most'' Love is simply the attraction to someone who has what you need. As long as the person has what you need, you will always love and cherish them.
When your partner has what turns you on, it will be hard to forget him/her. You will always love to stick with him/her. This will make your marriage to him/her get lovely.
Now, on your own part, you need to sincerely find out what turns you on the most; then look for a partner that has it.

(8) Think about ''a partner who is a husband/wife material''
We have a 'husband material'; a 'wife material' (funny expressions); but, they are real. A husband material is a man that has many qualities of a good husband. A wife material is a woman that has many qualities of a good wife.
What are those qualities? You need to find out and then look for partner that has them.
Once the qualities are in place in a marriage, the marriage will get lovely.

(9) Think about ''a partner that always looks good, even in default conditions''
Default condition is a situation when one exhibits their natural behavior when unchallenged, when not under reflex, or when not with a purpose.
Ladies often look good and beautiful when they wear 'make up'; but naturally, without the 'make up' will they look beautiful?
Men often appear gentle when in midst of ladies; but naturally, are they gentle?
These are the things you need to find out about a partner before you marry them.
Look out for a partner that has a good lifestyle in default conditions. Partners that pretend to look good just for a purpose is not the right partner for marriage.
Men, take note:
You can find the best shaped girl when she is in a cooperate outfit.
You can find the most naturally beautiful girl just before she is about to take her morning bath; i.e. after her morning chores, or before make up.
For a fair in complexion girls, you can find a truly fair girl when she is putting on a dull colored cloth; or after she has stood under the sun for a long time.

(10) Think about ''a partner that can be your friend''
Two good intimate friends are better than a married plain 'non-lovely' couple.
Friendship is simply an understanding between partners. Friendship is a proof that both partners are easily merged together, with no strings attached.
Friendship reduces differences.
You have to get a partner that can be your friend. Friendship will help both of you to understand your differences and then harmonize them. It will also make you feel free to relate with your partner anyhow you wish. This relationship will help to build confidence and trust; and consequently, it makes marriage get lovely.

Written by: Winny Greazy

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A lady you still love somuch after she has thoroughly satisfied your sexual urge is your wife.

For you to still love her after all the sex romp, it means she has something else in her that you still love somuch.
That is to say that sex is not love.
Love is beyond sex.
Sex is just situated on the way to love; it is that which you will (if you wish to) pass through to reach love.

Love lies in the heart and in the mind of a lady.
Love lies in the cells and in the bone marrows of a lady.
This love is the force you cannot understand why, when and how it pulls you to the lady.

For you to love someone, it means you are being unknowingly attracted to them. It is that force of love that attracts you to them.

For you to still love a lady after you have had sex with her, it means you met sex and passed it by on your way to reach the lady's love.

Sex has its properties which are facial beauty, slender body, sexy shape, big boobs, kissable lips, nice dentition, attractive complexion, photogeny, cat walk, nice hairstyle, sexy voice, good height and 'hotness'.

Love also has it's properties and they are; prudence, care, thoughtfulness, understanding, trust, faithfulness,good home management, tolerance, loyalty, righteousness, and so on.

Properties of sex are more of physical, While that of Love are more of internal.
That's why you are told earlier that love is found in the inside.
It lies in the heart and in the mind.
It lies in the cells and in the bone marrows.

If you get through with sex and still able to love your lady, then she can be your wife. This means she has those properties of love in her, and you have seen them.
Those properties of love are the main ingredients that spice up marriage. They are the key to everlasting married life. They are the foundation of love. They are love. They remain evergreen even after sex and its properties have faded away.

So if after you slept with a lady and you notice that the level of love you have for her is on the high side, marry her; she is your wife.

Written by Winny Greazy.

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How to date a girl without spending so much money

(1) Date a girl who leaves within.
Proximity helps you reduce the cost of keeping up your relationship with your girl friend.
The main aim of having a girl friend is to have a partner who will always be there whenever you need her. If she doesn't live within, you may have no other option than to always invite her specially to keep you company. And consequent to this, you will always have to spend much money on her transport fares, grand reception and hospitality.

(2) The family should be an average family.
A girl from a poor family will love to be your girl friend basically to earn money from you. Her family is poor, and her dad or mum, or the elder brother will not be financially disposed to endow her with the materials she needs to keep up to her fellow female peers, and the stylish moments in vogue.
An average family is a family that is not very rich, it's just moderate.
A girl from an average family is more often than not in a relationship to have a full experience of it, rather than for money solely. Her family can equip her with the material things she needs so she will not desperately depend on you.

(3) Do not meet her during a shopping spree.
You already know the girl you want to date and the next action is to meet her and ask her to be your friend. Now, If you must take this next action, be sure not do it during a shopping excitement; else she may believe and even be convinced that you are the type that always go on shopping.
Again, do not meet her during an extravaganza.
Meet her during plain occasions or in ordinary events like wedding ceremonies, church service, football match, lecture free period, snack bar, at the hostel e.t.c.

(4) Do not be in a hurry to have her phone number.
Ask for her address instead. Asking for her phone number in a hurry may confirm to her you are too desperate to get her. She may 'open an office' on you, and sending her S.I.M recharge vouchers will now be frequent.
But if you ask for her address, she will note you as a more responsible person who can go extra step for family acquaintances, and consequently marriage. Hence, there may be no need for her to start demanding her own material finances.

(5) Visit her house.
Just like in number four (4) above, if you visit her house whenever you want to see or hear from her, you will not spend. Rather she will be the one to spend. She will have to present kola nut to you.

(6) Let her people know you.
Still like in (4) and (5) above, her parents might eventually turn to be the ones spending and caring for you. They now see you as a responsible man who is brave enough to bring to limelight what he craves for; their daughter.

(7) Have an apartment of your own.
If you do not have at least a room of your own, you may end up with no privacy whenever your girl visits. Or worse still, you may end up paying money to secure a hotel accommodation to obtain the desired privacy.

(8) Let your first date be casual.
Do not go to big restaurants. Do not go shopping. Do not place very pleasant and extraordinary orders. Just take a walk with her, stroll around, watch club football match, walk into a soft drinking spot and have a chilled bottle of her favorite soft drink. Let her hear what you have got to tell her. Let her know what's on your mind about her. Just make everything about this casual. It will help you save some money.

(9) Do not let your first impression at her be a gift or a present.
First impression lasts longer. And if you shower her with presents, you may be forced to keep on doing it. It was your first impression, and again, first impression lasts longer. The girl will now be expecting presents every time.

(10) Do not discuss about material things.
Do not talk about rich and fancy people, events and things.
Such discussion will make her think you belong to the 'A' list category, or that you are connected to them. It will make her too hopeful of your becoming rich in no distant time. She will eventually be forced to start asking you for big money.

(11) Talk about 'you and her', and 'the very good possibilities of being together without troubles'.
Let your discussions be an intimate one. Let it be filled with heart and soul.
This will help her develop cold feet in asking you for 'big money'.

(12) Do not discuss your lofty dreams.
Do not tell her you are awaiting something big. If you do, she will also be awaiting huge spending on her.

(13) Do not discuss your past rich exposures.
She will think the fortunes you acquired still remains. She will start asking for it.

(14) Handle your costly belongings adorably.
Guard them jealously, though not offensively. This will make her believe you worked so hard to get them. She will not think you are the type that has so much money to spend easily on costly materials.

(15) Do not crack expensive jokes.
An expensive joke is usually connected to affluence. If you want to save yourself some money, then stick to mild heart-felt jokes.

(16) Value whatever thing she has; whether valuable or not.
If you do otherwise, then you must provide her with things you feel that are valuable.
Just accept her simple nature else, you will need to pay for her upgrade.

(17) Do not always forbid non colorful things or events that happen around you.
If she finds out you are a lover of colorful events, she will always expect you to make your own events colorful too.

(18) Bargain for prices maturely.
Don't be shy. Just try and bargain for prices of commodities and services whenever you are demanding for them together with her. A girl is likely to note a man that does such as a prudent person. If she believes you are prudent, then you are safe to always save some money for yourself.
Example: As you are going out with her, if you stop a taxi cab, bargain the fare maturely.
Note: Do not over do this, lest she calls you stingy.

(19) Always look just and responsible.
Always dress smartly, talk mildly, be modest, be truthful, be faithful, have an understanding. Most importantly, work hard to earn good money.

Note: This article is originally written by Winny Greazy.
And it's published exclusively on this website:

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