The need for copywriting is to create an awareness about a brand or talk about services to be offered. And the goal of the copywriter is to grab readers' attention and encourage them to purchase the brand or make use of the offered services.
For the copywriter to achieve this goal, he must create a very remarkable content that the reader finds very interesting and valuable.
A copy must be at it's best in order to yield good results. A copywriter should discover the best ways to achieve this.

Below are 6 good copywriting tips

1. Use related keywords
Observe the SEO.
SEO- Search Engine optimization is the act of trying to get ranked in the top results on a search engine such as Google. This is achieved by finding the keywords that are about what (the brand or services) you are writing on. Copywriting is mostly done online - blogs, websites, email boxes; hence the need for SEO.
Focus on your brand, write more on the keyword of the brand, and also try and include all the phrases that can build up the keyword.
For instance; when you are writing on ''phones''.
These phrases/clauses are often called LONG TAIL KEYWORDS

2. Use enticing headlines 
Use headlines your readers can never resist. These headlines should draw their attentions.

3. Take time and advertise your brand
Copywriting is all about advertising your brand. You have to give all the marketable and beneficial information about the brand.
Your aim is to market a brand and you have to put the right words together. Copywriting is essentially moving words around to sell better.

4. Include compelling offers
Offer what a typical prospective buyer cannot reject. You can tell your reader to save some money when they buy your brand, simply because you are taking some percentage off the original cost.

5. Use engaging lines
Tell your readers you have already made reservations for them, tell them you have already informed your MD about their willingness to buy the offered brand, or tell them that you have figured out the best for them.

6. Write to offer solutions 
Outline to the readers the unwanted issues they may have faced in the past, and then propose to offer solutions this time.

The 7th tip should be to request your readers' actions.
Tell them you are waiting for them to take a decision.  Avoid weasel words (words that avoid a direct command). Do not use passive voice. Just instruct them on what to do.

It takes a professional writer and a good copywriter to put up a copy that can sweep off a reader's feet. Even if you are not a good copywriter yet, here are just 4 tips for you to improve on copywriting
1. Learn why people hire copywriters. The more you learn, the more you discover how dynamic copywriting could be.
2. Do copywriting exercises everyday. Simply, practice makes perfect.
3. Be determined to create a career path with copywriting. This will make you work harder and get more focused.
4. Always refer to copywriting books and materials.

You can get a lot of comprehensive copywriting advice and tips from NET-CONTENT. There are a lot of experienced professional writers that can offer you good copywriting tips.
Many websites also give copywriting advice, but NET-CONTENT is the best.

Can Google Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Content?

The answer to that question is, yes! Both types of contents have features which differentiate them in relation to Google search. A good content represents a brand, it's very original and authentic, and it's well written and structured.

Writing a good content is quite a task ranging from, (i)creating a meaningful and well written content, (ii)representing the brand being written about, to (iii)making the content stand out from the myriads of contents created by rival marketers. 
Even when you manage to complete the first two tasks, what of the last task?
As a matter of fact; today, there are about 164 million blogs online and 71% get fewer than 5,000 visitors per month. This is to show the huge competition in content marketing. And how can a marketer create a good content in order to make it stand out and drive the desired traffic?
Here are 2 key points to that can help out.

(A) Create a good page
A page setting matters so much to Google search. Google uses an algorithm processing mechanism known as PageRank to rank blogs in their search engine results. In this mechanism, a blog is ranked higher above the others when it has more authentic links to it. That is to say the pages of a blog can easily be found on Google search when it has more links directed to it. Links to a blog are simply organic traffic directed to the blog from other blogs. Links to a particular page in a blog can only be realized when the page is of high importance.
For a page to be of importance, a content marketer has to do these;
(i)Make the page rich and original
A page must be rich and original for it to be of importance in order to attract links to it. And apart from that, pages that contain copied or pirated contents are not detected by the Google algorithm processing mechanism. And that's simply because no changes, or no new updates were made on the page.
(ii) Use Keywords that hook
While writing the page content about your brand, construct keywords that match the brand. The keywords can easily "hook up" with Google crawling and define your brand perfectly. Crawling is another algorithmic process used by Google to discover new and updated pages in order to compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on each page. The massive index helps Google to deliver results of a Google search.
(iii)Share your Page content 
Sign up with different social media and share your page contents. This will help to direct links to your blog.
(iv)Keep the niche consistent
Don't deviate from whatever thing you are writing about. This will reduce distraction, attract visitors and in turn boost links to your page

(B) Create eye-catching and searchable headlines 
According to Copyblogger; ''a good headline sparks interest and invites readers in. 80% of people will read your headlines, But only 20% of those people will read the rest of your content!''
Use searchable long tail keywords in creating the headlines. Long tail keywords are simply phrases comprising the main keyword and 2 or 3 descriptive words.

You want to read and learn more? Order this book: "Don't break the traffic" (a book on how to drive enough authentic organic traffic to your websites and blogs) written by: Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge. 

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This is for the position of a Content developer and entertainment writer

If we are talking about content developing, you are referring to ''placing inside a media what people would love to listen to, see, or read''

Media could be in many ways; the main three are TV, Radio and Paper

For TV media, you must develop what people would love to see.
For Radio media, you must develop what people would love to listen to.
For Paper media, you must develop what people would love to read.

Before these things are developed, they are first written.
In fact, everything you present in any form of media is first written. Do you belong in the writing team!

If you are a seasoned script-writer, a professional advert-writer and a dynamic story developer, then you can work as a Content developer and entertainment writer.
Are the scripts you write very comprehensive?; the advert scripts you write so informative?; and the stories you develop super thrilling? Then you belong in the writing team.

On TV, people love to watch TV shows, Movies and entries. Hope you can develop ideas for shows and documentaries. Hope you can write scripts for TV shows, documentaries and movies.

On Radio, people love to listen to Radio shows, News, Info on goods and services. Hope you can develop ideas for radio shows. Hope you can write great news scripts. Hope you can write good advert scripts.

On Paper, people love to read Short stories, Drama, Poems. Hope you can develop good stories. Hope you can write good scripts for drama.

Ask them to hire you, you can do the job!

Let them know that everything presented in any form of media is first written. You are in the writing team!

Written by: Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge 

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An advert must represent the aim of the brand it advertizes.

If your brand is promoting the 'ease' and 'quickness' of payment of bills, or recharge of subscriptions; then your advert must support that. No part of your advert should disqualify the aim of your brand.

At Quickteller, the advert at a point mis-interpreted the aim of the Quickteller brand.
Wasn't that payment quick enough that made that 'guy' finish up the whole 'suya' only himself?
That part of the advert wasn't necessary as the guy ate up the whole suya, thus indicating the Quickteller payment wasn't quick enough.
The writer should have made it in such a way the guy tried to pick up the whole 'suya' but couldn't.

...just saying my mind anyway.

But you can contact us today for better advert scripts. We are simple professionals!

Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge

Follow on twitter:

The success of sales of brands lies on the success of advertisements about the brands. Brands tend to remain dormant when their stories are not told. Advertisement of a brand is the enterprising story about the brand. The details about the brand that will lure customers to buy them are contained in the story; and the job of an advertiser should be to tell the story perfectly. The aim of an advertiser is to make his brands known to the audiences, the customers; and he has to do that through online or offline platforms.
Online platforms are:
Weblogs, Websites, Pages of social websites, Phone Apps, Computer Apps, Web chat groups, Radio, TV, Podcasts, Phone conversations,
Offline platforms are:
Magazines, Newspapers, Pamphlet, Tracts, Pages of books, live jingles, live market outreaches,

Here are tips on how to advertise your brands and products online and
offline for better sales
(1) Get a good advert script
Whether offline or online, you need a advert script. An advert script takes your audience's hearts into the soul of your brands. A good advert script will perfectly tell the whole good story about your brands.

(2) Prepare a good presentation
You need to get a good presenter that has a wonderful convincing voice. The visual production should also be very attractive with friendly color blending.

(3) Target the season of the year when your brands are highly needed
This will help you save some money as you will only spend money on advert when customers are highly in need of your brands.  Read more here
For more details, follow on twitter: 

Written by: Winny Greazy
The wonderful things a potential buyer reads about a brand will entice him to buy it.
The use of a brand depends on the information on it. When there is no information on it, then it's not a brand yet; therefore it has no use.
Information about a brand is the power it has for its marketability. Information about a brand drives the brand into the ears of the potential buyer, and consequently prepares his mind for it. When the information is good enough, it now completes the job by keeping the buyer's mind in favor of the brand.
No buyer knows what a product is all about until he sees and reads information about it.
A brand looks faked, adulterated, tampered, banned, poisoned, stolen, expired, when there is no information on it.
At, we drive your brands to the closet of your customers by writing a high-class business minded detailed information about the brands. We turn your customers and potential buyers to real and big time buyers by turning their minds and hearts onto whatever you have to offer them.

The only trade mark of a brand is the information on it. The information is actually what buyers circulate to their fellow buyers.
Information about a brand helps it sell even when it has not been produced. This makes buyers order for it even when they are aware it isn't ready yet.
Information about a brand is so powerful that it keeps the mind refreshed about that brand even when the brand is no more.
This information we are talking about is that which is written about the brand.
At, we write about your brand and make it sale.
We describe your brand in juicy tempting write up. We then make it stand out from the rest of other rival brands by providing for it and identifying to the buyers the edge it has over the rest.

Information about a brand is every good thing about that brand.
A brand is good when it has information about it.
A brand is the best when it has good detailed information about it.
A brand remains the best when the information about it drives it and always catches the attention of its potential buyers.
At, we give your brand the best information it can get to ride past all other rival brands.
Keep reading below;

The information we will give your brand includes some of these

(1)The beauty of the brand manufacturer's name:
We don't care what the name of the manufacturer looks or sounds like. All we care is how to make it a personal, a business and a household name for the buyer. All we do is to make the name pleasant and lovely to the buyer. We tell the buyer many good reasons why the name is the best in the brand's industry.
We tell the buyer the intimate co-relation between the manufacturer and the industry, and between the industry and the brand. We don't mix words; we genuinely and separately state them. We make both non buyers and potential buyers love your name and then become instant buyers.

(2)The years of experience of the manufacturer in the business:
We don't care if you have been around for long in the business or not. All we care is to make both of them work.
All we do is to make you take pride as the oldest and most experienced manufacturer in the business (if your company has existed for long);
and make you take pride as one of the youngest manufacturers yet with the best brands; which shows and proves focus, competence, vision and being hardworking (if your company has not existed for long).
At, we use everything a brand manufacturer owns as an edge over the other brand manufacturers.
Send us mail today and let us market your brand with the right words.

You can also check out one of our published works on "Advertisements and sale of Brands and Products" here:

(3)The beauty of the brand name:
Just like in the brand manufacturer's name, we create information to your potential buyers about your brand. This information will unavoidably sink the brand name into their biological systems. The name will take over their memory in that all they will want is your brand.
Don't ask us how we will do this. We are simply good at it!

Read more about us here:

(4)All other goodies about your brand:
Apart from the uses, the importance and the work of your brand, there are many other things you don't know about it. We provide them for you. We go deeper into the various aspect of knowledge like, biology, chemistry, medicine, physics, psychology, philosophy, sociology and mathematics, to develop outstanding information about your brand.
The information we give to your brand is simply customer friendly. Your potential buyers will love them.
Your potential buyers will become real big time buyers.
Your brands will sale.

-We do business with the right words.
-We are script writers.
-We market your brands with the right words and information.
-We are content writers and developers.
-We are brand and Media strategists.
-We write screenplays

¤ Publishing ¤ Script writing ¤ Media
¤ Education ¤ Entertainment ¤ Marketing
All the above at:

This piece is written at:

Edited by: Winny Greazy
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You have created your Google blog, congratulations! (If you haven't, log unto on your desktop and create one. It's very easy).
Now, the next task is to maintain and consequently monetize your Google blog.

To tell you the truth, the simplest thing is to create a Google blog, but to keep the blog moving is not part of the simplest things.
That is to say you can easily create a Google blog, but you may not be able to easily maintain it. You have to give in your best to make your Google blog work. And I'm very sure you can do your best to make it work; yes I'm sure; I trust you.

The main thing your Google blog needs is content.
You maintain your Google blog by creating and developing content in it. The main purpose of a Google blog is to contain inside it valuable information for its readers. The blog's constructive templates, beautiful designs and other aesthetics should come after.
Do not be too excited, moving around and announcing to friends that you have launched your Google blog site when you have not posted more than ten well written and paragraphed comprehensive write ups in it. Enough content is what matters, and that's what any visitor to your Google blog wants to see and then read.
Sometimes it's advisable to develop very enough content on your own, with your writing pads, phones or note books before thinking of creating a Google blog; so that upon creation of the Google blog, you will happily place your content by modestly posting them in the blog, and then gladly announce to your friends about your Google blog. First thing first; content first; and then you are good to go.

Moving ahead, the next thing you need to learn is to know how to create your content.
For Google blog, the content you should have in mind is purely well written and paragraphed comprehensive write ups. These write ups range from essays, short stories, 'know-how' write ups, sports, fashion, screenplays to news, academic lessons, events, poems and more
Don't bother about the photos or designs you need to attach to them. Just keep writing.

#how to create your content in your Google blog:
Yes you have to keep writing, but then you don't have to write all of those types of write ups. You have to choose a domain. Each of those types of write ups is too broad and they can contain many topics and subtopics. It's generic in nature.

Above all, you have to choose the topic you know very well. A topic well streamlined, but then it has to be generic as it must contain many subtopics that have one origin.
If you choose to write on animals, you can narrow it down to fishes, amphibians, reptiles or mammals. If you choose mammals, you can also choose to narrow it down to carnivores or omnivores.
If you choose fruits, you can narrow it down to citrus fruits, berries, drupes or pomes.
Again, if you choose to write on fashion, you can narrow it down to men's fashion, kiddies or women's fashion.
And if you choose to write on news, you can narrow it down to political news, entertainment news, sports news, national news or breaking news. Just like that!
This is just like in high school biology where you have the system of classification which lists kingdom, phylum, class, order, family genius and species. Organisms in the same group have common features and origin.

The need for streamlining the topic for your Google blog is to help you concentrate on an area of course you know best. It helps in specialization. But if you are very good in a particular broad topic, you may carry on without thinking of getting it streamlined.
If you think you can write on every type of animal, fruits, news, fashion, 'know-how', event or script, then go on!
But mind you, no matter how you want to write it, make sure you stick to a particular type of genre.

Important information: the main trick in having enough content for your Google blog is to choose a topic you will never run out of what to write in it. It needs to be degenerate, just like the cells in plants and animals.

How to decide on the topic to write is very simple. Choose what you have good knowledge in and passion for. Let it be that which makes you have fun when writing on anything in it.
To have fun while writing is the fuel for Google bogging. If you are not having fun, automatically you get bored. And once boredom sets in, it will be hard to make enough content to maintain and keep your Google blog alive.

The two key things that bring about fluency in Google blog content creation are:
-choosing that topic thing that makes you happy; and which makes you have fun.
-choosing that topic which you have full knowledge about; and that which you use to correct some negative impressions or mistakes people make about the theme of the topic.

Don't bother about the money you will need to get a notebook of desktop computer to start off your writing. Just start where you are (school, home, hotel, jail, hospital); Use what you have (paper, writing pad, mobile phone); Do what you can (write as much content as you can).
The cost of writing is cheaper than any other business. *winks*

#how to monetize your Google blog:
Forging ahead, remember you are not writing just for yourself, but also mainly for your readers. Your readers are the ones that seal the purpose of the Google blog you have created.
After you would have developed your content and posted them on your Google blog, the next thing is to invite your friends and readers to visit it.
And after you would have gotten your readers who will be visiting your Google blog often, the next thing you should have in mind is to monetize your Google blog.

Before monetizing your Google blog, there are many ways of getting the visitors to the blog.
One of the most effective is sharing your Google blog contents with your friends on other social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Google plus and others.
You may not share the very delicate contents, lest your unworthy friends copy them and post them on their own blogging sites, and then take credit.

Now, for monetizing your Google blog, you need to be known for a particular brand; a particular style; a particular interest; a particular genre; a particular type of content.
What is your blog known for? What are your readers looking for in your blog? What are you delivering? What does your blog offer? What's your brand?
Whatever it is you are writing about, that's where your investment lies, and that's where your money will come from.
If you are writing on sports, football precisely, then companies that manufacture football sports wears and accessories can think of advertising their products on your Google blog having noticed you have readers that visit the blog.
Same thing happens when you are writing on other topics. Advertisers of products relating to that your topic of interest will like to place their adverts on the blog.
The advertisers' aim will be to complete the matching contents in your Google blog with theirs and consequently direct the readers to their own brands and establishments.

There is a special Google blog monetization program for Google cooperation. It's known as the Google AdSense.
Google AdSense allows targeted Google ads to be displayed on the pages of your Google blog content. These Google ads are relevant to your content brand. Just like the other type of advertisement, they complete the matching contents in your Google blog with theirs and consequently direct the readers to their own brands and establishments.
But unlike this other type of advertisement, Google AdSense program is absolutely free. All you have to do is to sign up, and if your Google blog's content satisfies the Google AdSense program's requirements, your Google blog will automatically be served with the Google ads.

#how to attract Google AdSense to your site:
Usually, Google will need you to own your Google blog for at least six months for you to be admitted into the Google AdSense program.
So even if you have developed and posted enough content that satisfies the relevance of targeted ads on your Google blog, gotten enough visitors and traffic to the blog, you will still need to own your Google blog for at least six months. That's the way Google wants it. They want authenticity and originality.
#how to beat the Google crawler test:
Eventually, you have waited for six months and you have applied to be admitted into the AdSense program; there is a test your Google blog content has to pass. That's the Google crawler Test.
The crawler is a program designed by Google to determine what the pages of your content are about.
It's a test in the sense that the crawler checks the consistency, continuity and frequency of the choice of words, set of words or literal concepts you used in the pages of your content. It's from these set of words or concepts that it determines what your pages are about. And from this point, Google AdSense will find out the brand of ads that will be most suitable for your Google blog.
So for your Google blog to beat the Google crawler test, the write ups for your contents need to be consistent.
As you read earlier, you need to write on a particular area of interest; a particular topic; a particular genre. You need to be consistent; repeating a particular concept at regular intervals.

And again, there are other things Google crawler determines about your pages. It finds out whether your pages adhere to the Google AdSense program policies.
According to Google AdSense program policies: ''Google ads will not be displayed on, but not limited to sites with pages that display copyrighted material, sites hosting copyrighted files, or sites that provide links driving traffic to sites that contain copyrighted material, warez sites, sites that explicitly state that the material is pirated.
Neither do we accept websites with content related to hacking or cracking.
This includes, but is not limited to, sites which provide instructions or
equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, or websites, sites that provide cheats to multiplayer games or allow users to break the terms and conditions of online gaming communities''

That's Google for you. They are meticulous about their business. Anyway, it's for your own good. Google always aims at serving you better.
Now, let's continue.

#how to maintain the Google AdSense:
When you scale through the crawler test, and when your Google AdSense application is finally approved, through your e-mail address, from Google, you will receive a message like this: ''Congratulations! Your Google AdSense application has been approved. You'll soon begin to see relevant Google ads appear on http://(thenameofyoursite)
Please note: Your AdSense account only allows you to monetize the content that you create on AdSense host partner sites.
To track the performance of your new Google ads and access more AdSense features, sign in to your AdSense account.
The Google AdSense Team''

Isn't that a heartwarming message?
It's a heartwarming one indeed, but you need to stick to some rules so as to maintain the Google AdSense, and consequently remain happy ever after.
Google says:
-Do not click on the ads yourself
-Do not encourage the visitors to your Google blog to click on the ads just for clicking sake
-Do not deceive the visitors to click on the ads
-Do not carry out any act to inflate the number of clicks on the ads

Dear reader, if you fail to keep these rules, Google would have no option than to suspend your Google AdSense account.

My own advice: ''just keep writing, posting, updating your content, having fun with it and loving it. In the long run your Google AdSense will yield you some money through the clicks on the ads made by your loyal readers. The gain from Google AdSense is like royalty''

Enjoy Google blog and Google AdSense!

Written by Winny Greazy
Follow on twitter:

Dear script writer, theme plays a major role in adverts. The aim of an advert is to pass a message to the audience whom are the consumers. This message is embedded in the theme of the display about a product/brand being advertised.
Theme has ripples of ideas which it filters into the minds of the audience. These ideas aim at driving the theme to a point. These ideas are like different phases of plots linked together; where each phase represents various components of the product which include the name of the product, the makeup, the advantages, the side effects, the uses, the dosage, the consequences of using it, the consequences of not using it, the manufacturer, the durability, the know - how, the mechanism and so on. All these build up to the total information about the product.

In an advertisement, the height of success recorded is measured by the manner those different phases in the plot of the idea in theme of the product display is integrated; the better the integration, the higher the success.
The way the audience decodes and understands the concept used in this integration is of great importance. If your audience does not understand your advertisement, then, how is your brand going to sell?

Below are some steps you may take to make things work.

(1) No part of the script should contradict the theme.
The beginning of the script shouldn't contradict the theme neither should the middle or the end of the script do so.
Don't write one thing and start explaining another. You shouldn't write that the product is children - friendly, but yet the product is composed of strong, toxic chemicals. You shouldn't write that the product is for general usage, but yet one of its instructions says ''not for sale to consumers under 18''

(2) Don't lose track of the theme.
More often than not, some script writers, in a bid to show off their writing prowess lose track of the theme. Apart from showing off their writing skill, they sometimes mix up the ideas of the theme.
For instance, when it's time to write about the side effects of the product, they start writing about its safety measures. When it's time to write about the method of preparation, they start writing about its nutrient content.
This makes the audience get a disrupted message/information about the product.

(3) Create transition bonds to link the different ideas of the theme.
Remember that these ideas are like different phases of plots linked together, and each phase represents various components of the product being displayed or advertized. The components build up to the total information about the product.

After writing on one component, if you don't tell your audience you are going into another component, they will be confused.
Again if you don't connect one component with the next one, your audience will be lost; they will not follow.
These components are distinct, but yet they are connected. They are bonded until they expose the total information about the product.

There was an advert that was shown recently. The advert was about a product, tea. The beginning of the script reads as a voice over:
''Sometimes your body wakes up but your mind doesn't'' We see a lady wake up wearingly from her bed.
This part is trying to explain the consequences of not taking the tea; that you may always feel weak.
The next moment, we see her singing happily as she is taking the tea.
This part is trying to explain the advantages of taking the tea.

Yes, the above worked, but something is missing.
There is no transition to the next component, and there is no bond to link the two components.
For a successful transition, after the first part, the lady should first of all drink the tea while still looking weak. It's after the tea would have performed its biological function inside her that she would regain her strength.
For a successful bond, after the first part, the script should read again, thus:
''But with this tea, you've got no problems because your strength will come back to you and you will be happy again''.

(4) Don't take too long to get to the central idea of the theme. The central idea of the theme depends on the product being advertised. It involves the most important components which is part of the build - up of information about the product.
For a product like a detergent, its most important component should be its ability to wash off stain; followed by its usage precautions and health safety.
For a product like cough syrup, its most important components should be its ability to stop cough, its dosage, then followed by the hint on its chemical ingredients.
For a product like mattress, its most important components should be its softness or hardness, followed by its guaranty.
For a product like noodle, its most important components should be the time it takes to be prepared, the procedure for preparation, and then followed by a hint on its nutrient content.
For a product like an electric fan, its most important components should be its number of rotation per second, followed by its durability.
For a product like a mobile phone, its most important components should be its fastness in response to network connection, the operating system, convenience of usage, and then followed by its size and durability.
For a product like a car, its most important components should be its stability and control, its fastness, and then followed by its design, comfort and durability.

The earlier you let your audience know the most important components of your product, the better. These most important components contribute to a greater extent the total information about the product.
There should be no too much scenes to get to these components.
There should be no too much steps.
There should be no too much words.
There should be no too much actions.
Taking too much time will make the audience lose interest.

(5) Go straight to what you have for your audience about your product.
Make things simple for them. Don't let them spend too much of their energy trying to understand what you mean. Don't let them assume. Don't let them wonder what they are seeing or hearing. Design your work to help the feel at ease.

You can achieve the above by:
Having not more than one flashback if need be.
Having not more than one dream sequence if need be.
Not having too many actions.
Not obviously comparing your product with another similar one.
Not trying to generate a component your product doesn't have.
Understanding the fact you have a limited time for your advert to run on the airtime.

There are many more precautions to take in order to get maximum exposure and sales for your product / brand. They shall be discussed in subsequent posts. You can read more here

Written by: Winny Greazy Oge
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This is a great challenge to advertisers and producers also; starting from the product name, to the product theme, to the product description, to the label, to the applications, and to the slogan. The marketing of a product depends on all of them. An advertiser may not know really that this is so.

The name of a product is what gives it a name so that it can be identified as a commodity or services. This is known as the product's specific name. This specific name registers the existence of the product in the market. It is the second identification given to the product after the general identification. The general identification is the common name for all the types of that product. For example; Specific name: Gleen water.
Common name: Water.
A good advertiser or producer should be very careful in giving a name to his product. You can't just give a name to your product arbitrarily. You should follow some tactical steps. Your mission is to market your product and nothing less.
Some of those tactical steps I suggest you should follow are;
-the name (which is the specific) should be close to the common name
-it should be easy to pronounce
-it should be easy to spell
-the sound should be pleasing to the ear
-it should not be a fowl name
-it should not be a very local native name
-it should be a contemporary name
-it should be a name that will last for very long, as long as the product exists
-it should be related to or represent one of the good qualities of the common name of the product. In the example I gave above, I used 'Gleen' water. The word 'Gleen' represents and sounds like 'Clean'. 'Clean' relates and also represents one of the good qualities of the common name which is 'Water'. Of course you should know that drinkable or usable water should be clean. The word 'Gleen' also satisfies most of these tactical steps.
Whenever a customer thinks about buying water, either bottled or sachet, the product that will always come to his mind is the one whose name satisfies all the steps above. Such a name may turn into a household name, and even the youngest kid in the family may always be singing with it.

The theme is the sub name of the product. After the common name, you get the specific name, and now here is the theme.
A theme goes ahead to designate the importance of or the reason for the specific name. It defines the specific name the more. The bottled water that has its name as 'Gleen' may have its theme as 'Gleen your thirst'. These two words in the theme, 'Gleen' and 'Thirst' are draining down more appropriateness of the specific name, 'Gleen', to the product. 'Thirst' is a sensation that needs to be satisfied by drinking water. It now seems that the theme has knitted one of the good qualities of water and one of its uses into one. A theme creates a relationship between the product and the specific name.
Theme is optional anyway, not every advertiser or producer may want to include it. But one thing is this; theme will go a long way in filtering the specific name into the minds of the customers.

Description offers more identification and exposure to the product. For the product we are following, the description name may be, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty''
Of course, the description is needed by the advertiser. Description is an attention winner. It wins the attention of the customers. The specific name alone or the theme may not be strong enough to draw the attention of the customers. Customers always want to hear a lot of convincing words before they can be moved.

Label is more of the description. The label to the product we are following may read, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty. It is ozonised, pure and hygienically packed to ensure it gets down your guts to really keep you cool''
At this point, the customers' attentions are now gradually turning to you. (Smiles)

Application is all about the importance and uses of the product. You go ahead listing all its possible uses.
This point is very important as it is the main reason why a customer would want to buy the product. After all the reason for buying a product is to make use of it.
The advertiser should be elaborate here. He should try and point out all the possible uses and applications of the product. Customers often have a particular application they have in mind and unless the advertiser mentions it, they may not be willing to buy.

Slogan is a short phrase or clause which finally drives in all of the information of the product into the customers. It takes over the whole thoughts of the customers as it turns out to be the last information they will hear about the product.
Being the last information they will hear, it will consequently be the first they will remember when they get home. Remembering the slogan first will now mean that the slogan is the tool info which will engineer them into remembering all of the info about the product. May be they forgot the theme, the label, the application, and the description; but with the slogan which is still fresh in their mind, they have no problem again.
The slogan of the product we have been following can be, ''clean and pure like no other''

Now, let's just move away from this product which has been used as an example.
Slogan is a very important asset in advertising. It can turn out to be a veritable tool for trademark. It is something that once mentioned, anybody in its hearing will quickly confess to the product that owns it.
Slogan can be very powerful if the advertiser can be very powerful too, in creating a good one.

Written by: Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge

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Having learnt what advertising and its job means, you can write an advert script from the ideas you have gathered.
Writing an advert script is just as tasking as being the advertiser himself. They are just the same thing.
Advert scripts are written by script writers. These script writers can also be advertisers. An advert script writer should imbibe the qualities of an advertiser.
In addition, there are just two things he should be looking at when writing the script; the product and the consumer. He has to at every point in time uphold the relationship between the two.
He should write down every bit of information about the product. He should also do same about the customer.
At the end, the slogan takes its place. Then the audio productions and the video productions set it.

Advert videos are very trendy these days. With the huge rise in the number of TV stations, and the tremendous increase in the number of brand products, goods and services; you should always expect advert videos to be the order of the day.
Advert videos are short story films or visible illustrations that depict the advert script, with the aim of driving down the message about the product being advertised to the audience who may turn out to be potential customers.
Advert videos have advanced so much nowadays that they no longer only advertise the products they have in them, but also serve as a suspense, thrilling and dramatic films. With this advancement, high class ideas are put up for these adverts videos in such a way that the short stories in them or whatever visible impressions from them do have wonderful concepts that viewers would enjoy.
As a result of all the above, if you are a screenplay writer who has been given a job to write a screenplay for an advert video, you should make sure it is written with so much meticulousness that even surpasses that of a feature film screenplay.
Look for fresh and untapped ideas. These ideas as you've been informed earlier are stories, actions and impressions your audience would so much enjoy; and consequently the product being advertised would have a very good wide reach.

You can mail me for more guides on ideas on screen stories

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Are you an advert producer, a script writer, a content writer, or a copywriter? You can turn your advert ideas into advert scripts and in turn into quality advertisements that attract a lot of audience. It's very easy!
Please read below to know how you can get there.

Advertisement is a picture, set of words, film e.t.c. that is used to advertise brands and products or services.
It is a means of showing the advantages of whatever you have to offer to your customers.
The people who do this are known as advertisers.

These are what an advertiser should do to a customer:
  1. An advertiser should assume customers are already going to patronize/buy from them.
  2. He should see ability in inability.
  3. He should see advantage in disadvantage.
  4. He should see willingness in unwillingness.
  5. He should see affluence in austerity.
  6. He should be already relating with the customer on the basis the customer is already buying their product. All he should now want to let the customer know is what the customer is going to gain while using the product.
  7. He should be already giving you the tips on how to use the product.
  8. He should be already listing the does and don'ts.
  9. He should be already celebrating the customer as his post customer.
  10. He should be making the customer believe he has already started using the product.
  11. He should now be teaching the customer more on the product.
  12. He should be seeing the possibility of the customer using it.
  13. All he should want to do is to eclipse the customer's mind, numb his heart, blindfold him, re-orientate his idea and then give him another power and energy to pick up the product after has has handed in your money to the advertiser/seller.
  14. He should have power in his words, looks, actions, gesticulations and intrigues.
  15. He should do it the way the customer will love it.
  16. He should make the customer long for more.
  17. He should make the customer want to keep on watching him.
  18. He should make the customer come back.
  19. He should make the customer use his products without regrets.
  20. He should make the customer buy in larger quantities.
  21. He should make the customer think about his next shopping.
  22. He should make the customer tell his friends.
  23. He should make the customer want to help him advertise the brands.
  24. He should make the customer want to beg him produce more varieties for the customer.
  25. He should make you think there is no other brand other than his.

Advertisers deface a disadvantage and make it look like an advantage. They coat it with words that will make it sound pleasing. They make customers see it from the advantage point of view so that those customers will long for it.
In an American Movie, Total recall, a prostitute who had a mysterious three breasts tried as much as possible to lure the protagonist, Douglas into herself. She informed Douglas if he went in with her, he would wish he had three hands. Here, the prostitute is demystifying the fact she has three breasts. She is steering Douglas' mind to other side of the implications of her having three breasts. She is not for a second letting Douglas think that her three breasts is a 'monster'. She is busy melting his mind with the fact he will enjoy his 'ride' on her.
That is a good quality of an advertiser. An advertiser is like a mathematician who keeps the ugly side of his product constant and then makes the beautiful side variable.

For some products, advertisers will tell the customers that they will save some money if they buy their product or demand their services. The advertisers are not even considering whether the customers want to buy the product or not, or whether the customers have the money to buy the product in the first place or not.
Example is where an advertiser has a collection of different varieties of a particular brand. He will ask the customers to buy all of the varieties put together at a specific lower price, a price lower than the price at which the customer would buy just one variety of the brand alone.
Another situation is where the advertiser will inform the customers to buy their product at a particular period of time at a particular price so as to avoid buying at an anticipated higher price in an upcoming period of time. They will encourage and persuade the customer to buy the product now so as to save the amount they would add in the upcoming year when the price would have risen as anticipated. All the advertisers are looking at is what the customer will save if he eventually buys. They are not even considering the willingness of the customer to buy the product. They are turning unwillingness into willingness.
The trick here is the word 'save'. No customer doesn't want to hear the word 'save'.
Advertisers always have a trick. They know the words and actions customers want to hear or see.

Advertisers have a very explicit way of turning a negative feature into a positive one.
Normally, a man who has been rooted for over twenty years in knowledge or an experience in a course of study will use it as an advantage; he will call himself a professional. Everyone else will also regard him as a professional.
Now, here is another man who has known that same course of study for just less than ten years. Actually, people judge the level of experience gained by the number of years spent in it. But, guess what an advertiser will say about this second man. An advertiser will say: ''it's not easy to spend less than ten years in this course and gain enough experience and knowledge. He is a genius. He will teach you how he did that. Forget about those who have spent over twenty years. He spent only nine years and now he has all the knowledge. Is he not a genius indeed? Come on let him teach you how it's possible. Come on and sign him on, he is highly good for this job'' That's the advertiser speaking. He is promoting his client.
Advertisers use every situation, no matter how bad, as an edge in advantage over his opponents who may really be better than whatever or whoever they, the advertisers are advertising.

Advertisers find out a particular feature or quality of a general product common with theirs and the others. They now try to capitalize on that common feature, and then eke out an edge of their own product over the others.
For example, if the common and most important feature of a hair clipper is the sharpness of the blade, and if it is all well known and understood by everybody that the blade needs to be sharpened every one month; the advertiser can decide to inform his customers that the blade to his own brand of the hair clipper can last for the next two months after sharpening it for two consecutive previous months.
He can also inform them that the blade doesn't take time to sharpen ''just four strokes of the sharpening stone on it! No energy involved! No much cost involved!''


Yes, you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage, but do not do it in such a way it will turn out to be a permanent disadvantage to you. If you would inform a man he would wish he had three hands if he took a 'ride' on your mysterious three breasts, be sure the man is in a good social mood; lest he condemns you the more. Do you know what it means to have three hands?
One important thing an advertiser should do is to study his customers' mood. You can gauge your customers' mood from the way they will react at the first look at whatever you are advertising. You can also try to put up a very brief joke to measure their level of liveliness.
There are many ways to examine your customers. If you need more, then be sure to include your question in the comment box at the end of this article.
Another important warning is that; you are not the only advertiser, there are many others who are also looking for whatever fault that may arise from your advertising tactics, and then they will use it against you. "How can a normal human being make you wish you had three hands?" "Run for your life dear!" said by those other advertisers, secretly to your customers.

If you are informing your customer about saving, make sure you are doing your calculations well. Some of your customers may be smarter than you are. Some of them may be statisticians and mathematicians who can counter your advertising gimmicks and then render you incompetent.
Try and do the computations absolutely before storming the market.

If you know the client you are advertising has spent just nine years in a study, don't be too fast to pen down a deal to work with him. You have to sincerely test him. Demand for the whole truth about him. In this kind of business, the end justifies the means. The so claimed professor will still have to show the stuff he is made of. There is no shortcut to it. Try and find out his lapses. Try and know the areas he may perform wonderfully. With this knowledge, you will now know how to arrange your gambit to win customers for him. Any deviation from this may lead to lack of trust from the customers after the so called professor would have messed up. Every of your present job will be such that your future job will always be guaranteed. Do not mess up too.

A common feature to a product is common indeed. Every customer knows everything about it. Be sure to choose a common feature which you can truly eke out an edge which your product will now use over the others.


This is a great challenge to advertisers and producers also; starting from the product name, to the product theme, to the product description, to the label, to the applications, and to the slogan. The marketing of a product depends on all of them. An advertiser may not know really that this is so.
The name of a product is what gives it a name so that it can be identified as a commodity or services. This is known as the product's specific name. This specific name registers the existence of the product in the market. It is the second identification given to the product after the general identification. The general identification is the common name for all the types of that product. For example; Specific name: Gleen water.
Common name: Water.
A good advertiser or producer should be very careful in giving a name to his product. You can't just give a name to your product arbitrarily. You should follow some tactical steps. Your mission is to market your product and nothing less.
Some of those tactical steps I suggest you should follow are;
-the name (which is the specific) should be close to the common name
-it should be easy to pronounce
-it should be easy to spell
-the sound should be pleasing to the ear
-it should not be a fowl name
-it should not be a very local native name
-it should be a contemporary name
-it should be a name that will last for very long, as long as the product exists
-it should be related to or represent one of the good qualities of the common name of the product. In the example I gave above, I used 'Gleen' water. The word 'Gleen' represents and sounds like 'Clean'. 'Clean' relates and also represents one of the good qualities of the common name which is 'Water'. Of course you should know that drinkable or usable water should be clean. The word 'Gleen' also satisfies most of these tactical steps.
Whenever a customer thinks about buying water, either bottled or sachet, the product that will always come to his mind is the one whose name satisfies all the steps above. Such a name may turn into a household name, and even the youngest kid in the family may always be singing with it.

The theme is the sub name of the product. After the common name, you get the specific name, and now here is the theme.
A theme goes ahead to designate the importance of or the reason for the specific name. It defines the specific name the more. The bottled water that has its name as 'Gleen' may have its theme as 'Gleen your thirst'. These two words in the theme, 'Gleen' and 'Thirst' are draining down more appropriateness of the specific name, 'Gleen', to the product. 'Thirst' is a sensation that needs to be satisfied by drinking water. It now seems that the theme has knitted one of the good qualities of water and one of its uses into one. A theme creates a relationship between the product and the specific name.
Theme is optional anyway, not every advertiser or producer may want to include it. But one thing is this; theme will go a long way in filtering the specific name into the minds of the customers.

Description offers more identification and exposure to the product. For the product we are following, the description name may be, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty''
Of course, the description is needed by the advertiser. Description is an attention winner. It wins the attention of the customers. The specific name alone or the theme may not be strong enough to draw the attention of the customers. Customers always want to hear a lot of convincing words before they can be moved.

Label is more of the description. The label to the product we are following may read, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty. It is ozonised, pure and hygienically packed to ensure it gets down your guts to really keep you cool''
At this point, the customers' attentions are now gradually turning to you. (Smiles)

Application is all about the importance and uses of the product. You go ahead listing all its possible uses.
This point is very important as it is the main reason why a customer would want to buy the product. After all the reason for buying a product is to make use of it.
The advertiser should be elaborate here. He should try and point out all the possible uses and applications of the product. Customers often have a particular application they have in mind and unless the advertiser mentions it, they may not be willing to buy.

Slogan is a short phrase or clause which finally drives in all of the information of the product into the customers. It takes over the whole thoughts of the customers as it turns out to be the last information they will hear about the product.
Being the last information they will hear, it will consequently be the first they will remember when they get home. Remembering the slogan first will now mean that the slogan is the tool info which will engineer them into remembering all of the info about the product. May be they forgot the theme, the label, the application, and the description; but with the slogan which is still fresh in their mind, they have no problem again.
The slogan of the product we have been following can be, ''clean and pure like no other''

Now, let's just move away from this product which has been used as an example.
Slogan is a very important asset in advertising. It can turn out to be a veritable tool for trademark. It is something that once mentioned, anybody in its hearing will quickly confess to the product that owns it.
Slogan can be very powerful if the advertiser can be very powerful too, in creating a good one.

Here are some tips on how to create a good slogan for your products.
-Complete or answer a question about the common name of your product.
For example:
Question: Can I eat noodles three times a day?
Answer: Yes, anytime you are hungry. No matter the time of the day. No matter how often.
From the above example, you can create your slogan from the question thus; ''three times a day'' or ''many times a day''
From the answer, thus; ''anytime you are hungry'' or ''No matter the time of the day'' or ''No matter how often''.
This is just a tip. You can do better than this. You know yourself as an advertiser, you know what you can do, you know your product, and you know how best you can make it sell. Do it now! But you can still ask questions in the comment box, though.

-Lift phrases and clauses from a normal verbal or written discussion about the common name of your product.
These phrases or clauses can be further re-written to create the desired slogan for your product.

-Knowledgeable verbal or written debate and argument about the common name of your product can contain therein, good phrases and clauses for your product.

-A comprehensive note on the uses and applications of the common name of your product can also help you create good slogan. As usual, you will have to carefully point out the appropriate phrases and clauses.

-A proper examination about the feelings, approaches and daily perceptions from people about the common name of your product can go a long way in helping you.
What you have to do is to write them down and pick out favorite and appropriate clauses and phrases.

-Comparison between the common name of your product and a common name of another different commodity all together can precipitate some phrases and clauses which you can use to create your slogan.
For example:
This specific name 'Lucozade boost' whose common name is 'Energy drink', compares its usefulness with another commodity whose common name is 'Water'.
Here, the precipitated slogan which Locozade boost now uses is ''better than water''
Anytime anyone mentions ''better than water'', people's mind will be directed to 'Locozade boost'.
One thing you should note here is that, this particular tip is used when your product has some similarities in uses and applications with that of the different commodity.
Mind you, you must not mention the specific name of any product; else you may be in real legal problems. Specific names are names created by other advertisers like you. They are otherwise known as brand names. Common names are more like natural names. They are the generally accepted names for a commodity.

-You can create your slogan using clue from the specific name, theme, label, description and application of your product.

-You can also use figurative expressions.
Figurative expressions are very literal, but yet they give to the mind a picture of the real thing being talked about your product.


Having learnt what advertising and its job means, you can write an advert script from the ideas you have gathered.
Writing an advert script is just as tasking as being the advertiser himself. They are just the same thing.
Advert scripts are written by script writers. These script writers can also be advertisers. An advert script writer should imbibe the qualities of an advertiser.
In addition, there are just two things he should be looking at when writing the script; the product and the consumer. He has to at every point in time uphold the relationship between the two.
He should write down every bit of information about the product. He should also do same about the customer.
At the end, the slogan takes its place. Then the audio productions and the video productions set it.

Advert videos are very trendy these days. With the huge rise in the number of TV stations, and the tremendous increase in the number of brand products, goods and services; you should always expect advert videos to be the order of the day.
Advert videos are short story films or visible illustrations that depict the advert script, with the aim of driving down the message about the product being advertised to the audience who may turn out to be potential customers.
Advert videos have advanced so much nowadays that they no longer only advertise the products they have in them, but also serve as a suspense, thrilling and dramatic films. With this advancement, high class ideas are put up for these adverts videos in such a way that the short stories in them or whatever visible impressions from them do have wonderful concepts that viewers would enjoy.
As a result of all the above, if you are a screenplay writer who has been given a job to write a screenplay for an advert video, you should make sure it is written with so much meticulousness that even surpasses that of a feature film screenplay.
Look for fresh and untapped ideas. These ideas as you've been informed earlier are stories, actions and impressions your audience would so much enjoy; and consequently the product being advertised would have a very good wide reach.
You can mail me for more guides on ideas on screen stories. You can also checkout other updates on this blog.

Consult the author of this update, Winny Greazy to teach you more on every topic or sub topic herein.

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