Are you an advert producer, a script writer, a content writer, or a copywriter? You can turn your advert ideas into advert scripts and in turn into quality advertisements that attract a lot of audience. It's very easy!
Please read below to know how you can get there.
Advertisement is a picture, set of words, film e.t.c. that is used to advertise brands and products or services.
It is a means of showing the advantages of whatever you have to offer to your customers.
The people who do this are known as advertisers.
These are what an advertiser should do to a customer:
- An advertiser should assume customers are already going to patronize/buy from them.
- He should see ability in inability.
- He should see advantage in disadvantage.
- He should see willingness in unwillingness.
- He should see affluence in austerity.
- He should be already relating with the customer on the basis the customer is already buying their product. All he should now want to let the customer know is what the customer is going to gain while using the product.
- He should be already giving you the tips on how to use the product.
- He should be already listing the does and don'ts.
- He should be already celebrating the customer as his post customer.
- He should be making the customer believe he has already started using the product.
- He should now be teaching the customer more on the product.
- He should be seeing the possibility of the customer using it.
- All he should want to do is to eclipse the customer's mind, numb his heart, blindfold him, re-orientate his idea and then give him another power and energy to pick up the product after has has handed in your money to the advertiser/seller.
- He should have power in his words, looks, actions, gesticulations and intrigues.
- He should do it the way the customer will love it.
- He should make the customer long for more.
- He should make the customer want to keep on watching him.
- He should make the customer come back.
- He should make the customer use his products without regrets.
- He should make the customer buy in larger quantities.
- He should make the customer think about his next shopping.
- He should make the customer tell his friends.
- He should make the customer want to help him advertise the brands.
- He should make the customer want to beg him produce more varieties for the customer.
- He should make you think there is no other brand other than his.
Advertisers deface a disadvantage and make it look like an advantage. They coat it with words that will make it sound pleasing. They make customers see it from the advantage point of view so that those customers will long for it.
In an American Movie, Total recall, a prostitute who had a mysterious three breasts tried as much as possible to lure the protagonist, Douglas into herself. She informed Douglas if he went in with her, he would wish he had three hands. Here, the prostitute is demystifying the fact she has three breasts. She is steering Douglas' mind to other side of the implications of her having three breasts. She is not for a second letting Douglas think that her three breasts is a 'monster'. She is busy melting his mind with the fact he will enjoy his 'ride' on her.
That is a good quality of an advertiser. An advertiser is like a mathematician who keeps the ugly side of his product constant and then makes the beautiful side variable.
For some products, advertisers will tell the customers that they will save some money if they buy their product or demand their services. The advertisers are not even considering whether the customers want to buy the product or not, or whether the customers have the money to buy the product in the first place or not.
Example is where an advertiser has a collection of different varieties of a particular brand. He will ask the customers to buy all of the varieties put together at a specific lower price, a price lower than the price at which the customer would buy just one variety of the brand alone.
Another situation is where the advertiser will inform the customers to buy their product at a particular period of time at a particular price so as to avoid buying at an anticipated higher price in an upcoming period of time. They will encourage and persuade the customer to buy the product now so as to save the amount they would add in the upcoming year when the price would have risen as anticipated. All the advertisers are looking at is what the customer will save if he eventually buys. They are not even considering the willingness of the customer to buy the product. They are turning unwillingness into willingness.
The trick here is the word 'save'. No customer doesn't want to hear the word 'save'.
Advertisers always have a trick. They know the words and actions customers want to hear or see.
Advertisers have a very explicit way of turning a negative feature into a positive one.
Normally, a man who has been rooted for over twenty years in knowledge or an experience in a course of study will use it as an advantage; he will call himself a professional. Everyone else will also regard him as a professional.
Now, here is another man who has known that same course of study for just less than ten years. Actually, people judge the level of experience gained by the number of years spent in it. But, guess what an advertiser will say about this second man. An advertiser will say: ''it's not easy to spend less than ten years in this course and gain enough experience and knowledge. He is a genius. He will teach you how he did that. Forget about those who have spent over twenty years. He spent only nine years and now he has all the knowledge. Is he not a genius indeed? Come on let him teach you how it's possible. Come on and sign him on, he is highly good for this job'' That's the advertiser speaking. He is promoting his client.
Advertisers use every situation, no matter how bad, as an edge in advantage over his opponents who may really be better than whatever or whoever they, the advertisers are advertising.
Advertisers find out a particular feature or quality of a general product common with theirs and the others. They now try to capitalize on that common feature, and then eke out an edge of their own product over the others.
For example, if the common and most important feature of a hair clipper is the sharpness of the blade, and if it is all well known and understood by everybody that the blade needs to be sharpened every one month; the advertiser can decide to inform his customers that the blade to his own brand of the hair clipper can last for the next two months after sharpening it for two consecutive previous months.
He can also inform them that the blade doesn't take time to sharpen ''just four strokes of the sharpening stone on it! No energy involved! No much cost involved!''
Yes, you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage, but do not do it in such a way it will turn out to be a permanent disadvantage to you. If you would inform a man he would wish he had three hands if he took a 'ride' on your mysterious three breasts, be sure the man is in a good social mood; lest he condemns you the more. Do you know what it means to have three hands?
One important thing an advertiser should do is to study his customers' mood. You can gauge your customers' mood from the way they will react at the first look at whatever you are advertising. You can also try to put up a very brief joke to measure their level of liveliness.
There are many ways to examine your customers. If you need more, then be sure to include your question in the comment box at the end of this article.
Another important warning is that; you are not the only advertiser, there are many others who are also looking for whatever fault that may arise from your advertising tactics, and then they will use it against you. "How can a normal human being make you wish you had three hands?" "Run for your life dear!" said by those other advertisers, secretly to your customers.
If you are informing your customer about saving, make sure you are doing your calculations well. Some of your customers may be smarter than you are. Some of them may be statisticians and mathematicians who can counter your advertising gimmicks and then render you incompetent.
Try and do the computations absolutely before storming the market.
If you know the client you are advertising has spent just nine years in a study, don't be too fast to pen down a deal to work with him. You have to sincerely test him. Demand for the whole truth about him. In this kind of business, the end justifies the means. The so claimed professor will still have to show the stuff he is made of. There is no shortcut to it. Try and find out his lapses. Try and know the areas he may perform wonderfully. With this knowledge, you will now know how to arrange your gambit to win customers for him. Any deviation from this may lead to lack of trust from the customers after the so called professor would have messed up. Every of your present job will be such that your future job will always be guaranteed. Do not mess up too.
A common feature to a product is common indeed. Every customer knows everything about it. Be sure to choose a common feature which you can truly eke out an edge which your product will now use over the others.
This is a great challenge to advertisers and producers also; starting from the product name, to the product theme, to the product description, to the label, to the applications, and to the slogan. The marketing of a product depends on all of them. An advertiser may not know really that this is so.
The name of a product is what gives it a name so that it can be identified as a commodity or services. This is known as the product's specific name. This specific name registers the existence of the product in the market. It is the second identification given to the product after the general identification. The general identification is the common name for all the types of that product. For example; Specific name: Gleen water.
Common name: Water.
A good advertiser or producer should be very careful in giving a name to his product. You can't just give a name to your product arbitrarily. You should follow some tactical steps. Your mission is to market your product and nothing less.
Some of those tactical steps I suggest you should follow are;
-the name (which is the specific) should be close to the common name
-it should be easy to pronounce
-it should be easy to spell
-the sound should be pleasing to the ear
-it should not be a fowl name
-it should not be a very local native name
-it should be a contemporary name
-it should be a name that will last for very long, as long as the product exists
-it should be related to or represent one of the good qualities of the common name of the product. In the example I gave above, I used 'Gleen' water. The word 'Gleen' represents and sounds like 'Clean'. 'Clean' relates and also represents one of the good qualities of the common name which is 'Water'. Of course you should know that drinkable or usable water should be clean. The word 'Gleen' also satisfies most of these tactical steps.
Whenever a customer thinks about buying water, either bottled or sachet, the product that will always come to his mind is the one whose name satisfies all the steps above. Such a name may turn into a household name, and even the youngest kid in the family may always be singing with it.
The theme is the sub name of the product. After the common name, you get the specific name, and now here is the theme.
A theme goes ahead to designate the importance of or the reason for the specific name. It defines the specific name the more. The bottled water that has its name as 'Gleen' may have its theme as 'Gleen your thirst'. These two words in the theme, 'Gleen' and 'Thirst' are draining down more appropriateness of the specific name, 'Gleen', to the product. 'Thirst' is a sensation that needs to be satisfied by drinking water. It now seems that the theme has knitted one of the good qualities of water and one of its uses into one. A theme creates a relationship between the product and the specific name.
Theme is optional anyway, not every advertiser or producer may want to include it. But one thing is this; theme will go a long way in filtering the specific name into the minds of the customers.
Description offers more identification and exposure to the product. For the product we are following, the description name may be, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty''
Of course, the description is needed by the advertiser. Description is an attention winner. It wins the attention of the customers. The specific name alone or the theme may not be strong enough to draw the attention of the customers. Customers always want to hear a lot of convincing words before they can be moved.
Label is more of the description. The label to the product we are following may read, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty. It is ozonised, pure and hygienically packed to ensure it gets down your guts to really keep you cool''
At this point, the customers' attentions are now gradually turning to you. (Smiles)
Application is all about the importance and uses of the product. You go ahead listing all its possible uses.
This point is very important as it is the main reason why a customer would want to buy the product. After all the reason for buying a product is to make use of it.
The advertiser should be elaborate here. He should try and point out all the possible uses and applications of the product. Customers often have a particular application they have in mind and unless the advertiser mentions it, they may not be willing to buy.
Slogan is a short phrase or clause which finally drives in all of the information of the product into the customers. It takes over the whole thoughts of the customers as it turns out to be the last information they will hear about the product.
Being the last information they will hear, it will consequently be the first they will remember when they get home. Remembering the slogan first will now mean that the slogan is the tool info which will engineer them into remembering all of the info about the product. May be they forgot the theme, the label, the application, and the description; but with the slogan which is still fresh in their mind, they have no problem again.
The slogan of the product we have been following can be, ''clean and pure like no other''
Now, let's just move away from this product which has been used as an example.
Slogan is a very important asset in advertising. It can turn out to be a veritable tool for trademark. It is something that once mentioned, anybody in its hearing will quickly confess to the product that owns it.
Slogan can be very powerful if the advertiser can be very powerful too, in creating a good one.
Here are some tips on how to create a good slogan for your products.
-Complete or answer a question about the common name of your product.
For example:
Question: Can I eat noodles three times a day?
Answer: Yes, anytime you are hungry. No matter the time of the day. No matter how often.
From the above example, you can create your slogan from the question thus; ''three times a day'' or ''many times a day''
From the answer, thus; ''anytime you are hungry'' or ''No matter the time of the day'' or ''No matter how often''.
This is just a tip. You can do better than this. You know yourself as an advertiser, you know what you can do, you know your product, and you know how best you can make it sell. Do it now! But you can still ask questions in the comment box, though.
-Lift phrases and clauses from a normal verbal or written discussion about the common name of your product.
These phrases or clauses can be further re-written to create the desired slogan for your product.
-Knowledgeable verbal or written debate and argument about the common name of your product can contain therein, good phrases and clauses for your product.
-A comprehensive note on the uses and applications of the common name of your product can also help you create good slogan. As usual, you will have to carefully point out the appropriate phrases and clauses.
-A proper examination about the feelings, approaches and daily perceptions from people about the common name of your product can go a long way in helping you.
What you have to do is to write them down and pick out favorite and appropriate clauses and phrases.
-Comparison between the common name of your product and a common name of another different commodity all together can precipitate some phrases and clauses which you can use to create your slogan.
For example:
This specific name 'Lucozade boost' whose common name is 'Energy drink', compares its usefulness with another commodity whose common name is 'Water'.
Here, the precipitated slogan which Locozade boost now uses is ''better than water''
Anytime anyone mentions ''better than water'', people's mind will be directed to 'Locozade boost'.
One thing you should note here is that, this particular tip is used when your product has some similarities in uses and applications with that of the different commodity.
Mind you, you must not mention the specific name of any product; else you may be in real legal problems. Specific names are names created by other advertisers like you. They are otherwise known as brand names. Common names are more like natural names. They are the generally accepted names for a commodity.
-You can create your slogan using clue from the specific name, theme, label, description and application of your product.
-You can also use figurative expressions.
Figurative expressions are very literal, but yet they give to the mind a picture of the real thing being talked about your product.
Having learnt what advertising and its job means, you can write an advert script from the ideas you have gathered.
Writing an advert script is just as tasking as being the advertiser himself. They are just the same thing.
Advert scripts are written by script writers. These script writers can also be advertisers. An advert script writer should imbibe the qualities of an advertiser.
In addition, there are just two things he should be looking at when writing the script; the product and the consumer. He has to at every point in time uphold the relationship between the two.
He should write down every bit of information about the product. He should also do same about the customer.
At the end, the slogan takes its place. Then the audio productions and the video productions set it.
Advert videos are very trendy these days. With the huge rise in the number of TV stations, and the tremendous increase in the number of brand products, goods and services; you should always expect advert videos to be the order of the day.
Advert videos are short story films or visible illustrations that depict the advert script, with the aim of driving down the message about the product being advertised to the audience who may turn out to be potential customers.
Advert videos have advanced so much nowadays that they no longer only advertise the products they have in them, but also serve as a suspense, thrilling and dramatic films. With this advancement, high class ideas are put up for these adverts videos in such a way that the short stories in them or whatever visible impressions from them do have wonderful concepts that viewers would enjoy.
As a result of all the above, if you are a screenplay writer who has been given a job to write a screenplay for an advert video, you should make sure it is written with so much meticulousness that even surpasses that of a feature film screenplay.
Look for fresh and untapped ideas. These ideas as you've been informed earlier are stories, actions and impressions your audience would so much enjoy; and consequently the product being advertised would have a very good wide reach.
You can mail me for more guides on ideas on screen stories. You can also checkout other updates on this blog.
Consult the author of this update, Winny Greazy to teach you more on every topic or sub topic herein.
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