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Terms and conditions

  • Be it known to you that we at  SCRIPTS 'N' PAPERS / NET-CONTENT have an enviable integrity which we always work hard to protect. And to this end, we dare not copy writers'/artists' work, we do not steal their ideas, we do not indulge in any act of plagiarism and we do not charge any fees for trading on our platform. 

  • Our goal is to be recognized worldwide as a media company that protects writers and artists, and at same time fortify them to pitch their work with Film-makers, Producers, Publishers and buyers. 

  • Our business is to promote every writer's/artist's work with only the brief detailed information about the work provided to us by the owner. 

  • After you send in all the information, we then, comb for Film-makers, Producers, Publishers and buyers who may need the work at that point in time. 

  • When a deal is about to be made the prospective Producer, Film-Maker, Publisher or Buyer will either contact you or us. If us, we will do the trade on your behalf. If you, just go ahead and do the trade; but you are free to contact us if need be.

  • SCRIPTS 'N' PAPERS / NET-CONTENT also render many other professional services. See them HERE

There are certain steps a Nollywood Script-writer needs to take in order to sell his Nollywood movie scripts. Click here to get a concise information e book where a Nollywood insider will help you arrange your script and make it ready for submission and sale to Nollywood producers

The first step is to write a;
Script review and synopsis
Write a brief review and synopsis of the script. The review will tell the producer what to expect when he reads the script. Producers don't have time to read scripts. You only need to compel them to read it. It's the duty of Nollywood insiders to help you out. Just get the concise information e book. A Nollywood insider will help you get the script ready. Just click here to get it.

Literally, some other points you need to take note of as a Nollywood script writer are below. But to make things easier for you, just get this concise information e book. It's from a Nollywood insider to help you arrange your script to get it ready for submission 

Continuing with the brief points you might need to take note of; 

  • You need to have a body of work
One screenplay alone may not be enough to break into nollywood. Write more. Write up to three, four, five or more. Explore the entire 'soft' genres. It may be uneasy and burdensome, but you have to try.

  • You need to become a real script writer
What I mean here is that you need to be in script-writing. You need to develop the passion for it. Script-writing needs to be beyond your hobby. Just be determined to make it your source of living.
Screenplay has a lot of components and elements. A real script writer doesn't just write scripts he also studies explicitly those components and elements of screenplay. He goes to the extent of teaching others.
You need to take your time in writing your screenplays. You need to also give in huge effort.

  • Create a channel
Create an outlet. Every business or talent needs to be exported or advertised for consumers or audiences to know about it. Just try and create awareness. You can use social media. You can use your facebook page or you can create a weblog; and in it, you can post regularly your experiences in script writing. You can write short screenplays, post them on the blog and then invite your friends to read them. As you keep on building your weblog, people will see you as someone very busy and passionate with script-writing. A Nollywood film maker may even read all those posts by chance, and may eventually mail you.
Note: while doing all these, make sure you promote your work first and not your name. Promoting your name first may mean you are showing off. Just be humble. Nollywood film makers love humble clients. Your audience will also like what you do if you are humble.
Just get the concise information e book. It's better
  • Go beyond script writing
Study how to rewrite a screenplay. Learn film making. Learn how to teach others. Be a master of screenplay.
Have you ever wondered why only one person in some of the Nollywood movies you have watched did almost all the job? He is the story creator, the writer of the screenplay, the creator of the cast, the producer and the director.
You may call him 'Jack of all trade'. But no; he is not! This person in question went beyond script-writing. He learnt many other things about film-making. This is the kind of movie business we have in nollywood.
An executive producer may not want too much people to get involved in making his film. When too much people get involved, too much money would be spent. As a result, he opts for someone who knows it all.
Try and know it all if possible. You can develop a story, write, re write, do the casting, budget, schedule, direct and produce it. This will increase your chances of selling you screenplays in Nollywood. It will also help you to be in Nollywood full time. You will now become an executive (smiles warmly).

  • Be determined to become an independent film maker 
 Just try and believe you are going to produce your screenplays into movies yourself. This kind of belief would help drive your urge to learn the other things in film-making. It will help you to be focused.
This is Nigeria for you. Everybody claims to be a film writer. It will be hard for you to convince a producer or film maker to buy your script when he can just scribble one for himself.

  • Attend shows
Yes, just try and attend film shows, festivals, seminars, premier and workshops. At these shows, you can proudly tell people you are script-writer. Get into interview sections. Identify yourself as a good script-writer. Go ahead and mention your outlets like your weblog, website, facebook page. Intimate people your expertise in script-writing and perhaps film making. Through all these, you may shine one day. A film-maker may get interested in you.

  • Get contacts of people whose jobs are in one way or the other related to film making
Follow them on social media. Surround yourself with these people. One day you may get vital information from them. This information may help you sell your screenplay; or it may make you excel in Nollywood.

  • Surround yourself with script writing and film making websites, books, journals, magazines, bulletins and many others
Make script writing be in your life!
Do not be discouraged by what you hear. Do not be deterred by what you see in the media. Just know it that you have a chance to write a screenplay and then get it sold.

We have series of genres for screenplay:
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Rom-Com, Drama, Family, Animated, Period, Historical, War, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Horror, Epic and more.
Each genre can have many millions of screenplays written on it. No two screenplays on a particular genres can be the same.
They must definitely differ in story structures. Peradventure they have same story structure, they must definitely differ in their plots, themes, backgrounds, characters or actions.
So, if you really understand this, you will find out that in a collection of many millions of screenplays, it may never be possible to find two scripts that look exactly alike. This is to tell you that the screenplay domain is so vast that it can accommodate anybody who really wants to write.

Very often, you hear or read about the processes one has to go through before they can finally get their screenplay sold. Sources will make you understand that top executives in the movie industry will have to read, examine and evaluate your script before it can even become a spec script. These sources will also inform you that these executives place stringent rules which may disqualify your script and then render it useless. These sources will still go ahead and list a whole lot of these rules, both the applicable ones and the non applicable ones. They will instill fear in you, and then, it will be hard for you to believe you ever have a chance to write even a screenplay; not to talk of selling it.
Don't mind all these discouraging information. Allow the media say what they want and then allow your writing spirit to always give you the moral to dare.
Dare write a screenplay today! A good screenplay is a rare commodity; once you have it, no rules can stop it from selling. What you owe the movie industry is to first write one. Other things about getting it sold will work out with ease.

Some other people or some other sources of information may also inform you that you must be a movie producer or real film-maker before you can write a screenplay.
Well, being a producer or having knowledge about film-making is a very wonderful venture. It can enhance your writing a screenplay and selling it. That's because you are in the business already.
But if you are neither a producer nor a film maker, do not be afraid. When you work hard and write a good screenplay, even those so called producers and film makers will make their ways to you. They will love to buy the screenplay quickly before their fellow film-makers get to you.
You always have a chance, no matter what.

There is a division of Labor in the movie industry. One person will write the script, another will do the re-write. Then the other people will do the real film-making.
You may not bother yourself thinking about how to do the re-write, or how to do the casting, or how to do the budgeting. All you need is to do your best and write a good screenplay first.

Don't tell me many people are screen-writers already. Don't tell me many people are there in the industry.
One thing you will have to know is that many people claim they can write, but not many actually end up with a completed screenplay. Some do drop out. They drop out because they don't have the 'driving force'.
Writing a screenplay can be boring and directionless at times. At a point you may be totally confused. It only takes a determined mind to sort out the problems that caused that confusion, and then move forward thereafter.
But even if we accept that many people are there already, the demand for screenplays is still higher than the supply.
The audience's eyes and minds always need something slightly different from the rest they have seen.

You have a chance. Just try and write a good screenplay, you will get something good out of it.

Written by: Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge

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