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Call us now, We respond rapidly. +2348174018418,+2348038180098,

Residents of various houses in Lagos, Abuja, Port harcourt, Owerri and other cities in Nigeria are often less concerned about what their drainage systems look like at every moment.
And knowingly or unknowingly, these residents contribute to the various issues they usually have with their plumbing systems through these 8 means:

1. They tackle plumbing problems themselves
Even when they don't know anything about plumbing, they still want to fix it themselves. This act may cause damage to the whole system and thereafter will cost more money to fix. Plumbing requires professional plumbers who are specialized in the plumbing system and the apparatuses used therein. There are very good plumbers in every city in Nigeria, and they are always available whenever you need them.

2. They don't check if their pipe vents are blocked
Venting allows air to enter the pipe as water drains away. Once there isn't enough air entering the vent, the water and waste may not drain properly. This may affect your toilet as the sewer gases which wasn't supposed to exist if the pipe venting system was good would now build up to dangerous levels in your home.

3. They allow their bathroom drains get clogged
Dirt, skin flakes and hairs can bind to soap scum on the walls of drain pipes. Over time, this accumulates and water flow is reduced; thus poor drainage.

4. They don't care for their sink drains
Why not sieve the water you pour into your sink? Undissolved food particles from the kitchen can block your sink drain.

5. They flush out anything they want through their toilets
Toilets are not garbage cans where you toss your kitchen refuse or personal cleaning wipes and make-up pads. In fact anything that can not quickly dissolved completely in water shouldn't be flushed down the toilet.

6. They don't care to replace worn-out hoses 
The rubber hoses on taps, washing machines and dishwashers don't last forever. When they are weak, they can burst, and they can cause flooding.

7. The don't care to know where the main water valve is
A knowledge of the location and how to turn off the main water valve and all the emergency shut off valves in the house is very important. The valve regulates and controls the flow of water.

8. They don't replace outdated gadgets that use the plumbing system
Outdated and faulty gadgets should be replaced on time to avoid them affecting the plumbing system.

Call us now to fix your plumbing, drainage and sewage problems. We respond rapidly within minutes. We are always on time because we are very close to you. Our outlets are everywhere near you.


Well, we are very good plumbers and we understand all the 8 cases above and that's why we are here in Lagos, Abuja, Port harcourt, Owerri and other cities in Nigeria to offer excellent plumbing services. We don't just offer excellent plumbing services. We also give essential tips on how to maintain good drainage system in every home. And here are just 6 tips:

1. Clean your drains at least once every month. You can pour a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar down your drain

2. Teach your kids what to flush down the toilet. Label household products 'flushable' and 'non-flushable'

3. Monitor the pipes in your homes regularly. Check out for blocked vents. Take note of shutoff valves on all the fixtures

4. Handle you gadgets with care. Always refer to the operating manuals for specific instructions.

5. Always budget to replace worn-out and damaged hoses, pipes, tubes, and other accessories.

6. Get plumbing professionals for better plumbing services. You can call on us now. We respond rapidly.


We understand the architecture of most houses in Lagos, Abuja, Port harcourt, Owerri and other cities in Nigeria and we passionately have the drainage system of these houses in mind.
Call on us to handle;
the repairs and installation of new pipes, sinks, hoses and tubs
the repairs of septic tank leaks and construction of new ones 
the repair of sewer line breaks or leaks
the repairs and replacement of bad gadgets like the water heater

Nobody knows plumbing better than we do. We fix more for less. And we are always on time because we are very close to you. Our outlets are everywhere near you. And we respond rapidly within minutes.

We know the simplest ways to fix your plumbing system and that's why we don't bother charging you more than the other companies.

Call us not only when your drainage or pluming system is bad, but also when you need to know the best practices to keep your drainages clean and working.


Click here to see a list of creative Nollywood movie scripts for sale. They are already reviewed and ready-to-shoot spec scripts.

You need not use the A-list actors before your movie can sell. All you'll need is to 'package' the movie well, make it marketable, and it will sell.

Before your movie is released, after it has been produced, here are some tips to help you market it and make huge sales. 

  • Write a short story, and use it to announce on social media of a possible movie-shoot based on that short story. 
Your audience will sure read the short story; and this will make them imagine what the scenes and the characters in the short story would look like if they were to be seen on a tv screen; and I bet they will long to see the movie produced if it would be possible. And after you release the movie, they will love to grab a copy; that's because you have created the suspense already!

  • Don't use Youtube yet.
It's true you'll make some money when you post the film on youtube, but the money will be more if you post it after the movie has sold out very well.
In other words, just do not expose the film before it finally starts making waves around the country. Allow the audience beg you to post it on youtube.

  • Present the movie synopsis at every point in time.
Let the synopsis precede the movie everytime. The audience always wishes to get a brief overview of the movie they want to watch.
Present the synopsis anytime you want to write or talk about the movie. Even on the movie CD pack, or on the advert poster, write the synopsis on them. Make sure your synopsis is an enticing one. Read how to write great movie synopsis here,

  • Let the movie trailer show more of action dialogues than action scenes.
This is in a bid not to expose the movie toomuch, and it will make the audience hunger for the action scenes. The action dialogues will create in the audience an anxiety that an action scene will follow suit. So they will hunger for the scenes; and consequently buy the movie in order to eventually see the scenes.
But, be sure to create a good trailer that shows just the most succinct messages in the movie.
A very good movie trailer and synopsis shows a little about a movie, but creates enermous suspense about the movie.

  • Make a tempting deal with a movie marketer. 
Present him a deal he will never resist; a tempting one he will grab wholly. Let the deal be the type that can make him 'push hard' and market the movie.

  • Meet local movie vendors.
Yes meet all those local movie vendors and tell them about your movie, they can sure help you make sales. They have the power of convincing even non movie freaks to buy your movie. They would claim they had watched it, and that it's thrilling.

  • Also make use of local gatherings for premiers.
Not only big cinemas, which you may not even have access to can help you generate money, local cinemas, bars and resturants can help you too. Just liase with the manager of the bar or resturant, make a deal with him and let him do the job for you.

  • Create a good movie CD pack and poster showing one of the most amazing scenes in the movie.
Movie lovers would love to see atleast an eye-catching picture on the pack or poster; it can trigger their interest in the movie.
You need to also show the face of an A-list actor if you have any in your movie.

  • Get a good copywriter or advert writer that can help write 'sweet' words about the movie.
That's what we do at and
Just send us a mail at and we'll help you out.

  • Look for sponsors no matter how insignificant. 
The sponsors with their trade marks can help market the movie. Even if they don't provide you with funds, just make sure they endorse your movie.

  • Don't be in hurry to finally release your movie.
Just make sure every marketing strategy has been put in place.

Written by:
Winston 'Winny Oge 

There are certain steps a Nollywood Script-writer needs to take in order to sell his Nollywood movie scripts. Click here to get a concise information e book where a Nollywood insider will help you arrange your script and make it ready for submission and sale to Nollywood producers

The first step is to write a;
Script review and synopsis
Write a brief review and synopsis of the script. The review will tell the producer what to expect when he reads the script. Producers don't have time to read scripts. You only need to compel them to read it. It's the duty of Nollywood insiders to help you out. Just get the concise information e book. A Nollywood insider will help you get the script ready. Just click here to get it.

Literally, some other points you need to take note of as a Nollywood script writer are below. But to make things easier for you, just get this concise information e book. It's from a Nollywood insider to help you arrange your script to get it ready for submission 

Continuing with the brief points you might need to take note of; 

  • You need to have a body of work
One screenplay alone may not be enough to break into nollywood. Write more. Write up to three, four, five or more. Explore the entire 'soft' genres. It may be uneasy and burdensome, but you have to try.

  • You need to become a real script writer
What I mean here is that you need to be in script-writing. You need to develop the passion for it. Script-writing needs to be beyond your hobby. Just be determined to make it your source of living.
Screenplay has a lot of components and elements. A real script writer doesn't just write scripts he also studies explicitly those components and elements of screenplay. He goes to the extent of teaching others.
You need to take your time in writing your screenplays. You need to also give in huge effort.

  • Create a channel
Create an outlet. Every business or talent needs to be exported or advertised for consumers or audiences to know about it. Just try and create awareness. You can use social media. You can use your facebook page or you can create a weblog; and in it, you can post regularly your experiences in script writing. You can write short screenplays, post them on the blog and then invite your friends to read them. As you keep on building your weblog, people will see you as someone very busy and passionate with script-writing. A Nollywood film maker may even read all those posts by chance, and may eventually mail you.
Note: while doing all these, make sure you promote your work first and not your name. Promoting your name first may mean you are showing off. Just be humble. Nollywood film makers love humble clients. Your audience will also like what you do if you are humble.
Just get the concise information e book. It's better
  • Go beyond script writing
Study how to rewrite a screenplay. Learn film making. Learn how to teach others. Be a master of screenplay.
Have you ever wondered why only one person in some of the Nollywood movies you have watched did almost all the job? He is the story creator, the writer of the screenplay, the creator of the cast, the producer and the director.
You may call him 'Jack of all trade'. But no; he is not! This person in question went beyond script-writing. He learnt many other things about film-making. This is the kind of movie business we have in nollywood.
An executive producer may not want too much people to get involved in making his film. When too much people get involved, too much money would be spent. As a result, he opts for someone who knows it all.
Try and know it all if possible. You can develop a story, write, re write, do the casting, budget, schedule, direct and produce it. This will increase your chances of selling you screenplays in Nollywood. It will also help you to be in Nollywood full time. You will now become an executive (smiles warmly).

  • Be determined to become an independent film maker 
 Just try and believe you are going to produce your screenplays into movies yourself. This kind of belief would help drive your urge to learn the other things in film-making. It will help you to be focused.
This is Nigeria for you. Everybody claims to be a film writer. It will be hard for you to convince a producer or film maker to buy your script when he can just scribble one for himself.

  • Attend shows
Yes, just try and attend film shows, festivals, seminars, premier and workshops. At these shows, you can proudly tell people you are script-writer. Get into interview sections. Identify yourself as a good script-writer. Go ahead and mention your outlets like your weblog, website, facebook page. Intimate people your expertise in script-writing and perhaps film making. Through all these, you may shine one day. A film-maker may get interested in you.

  • Get contacts of people whose jobs are in one way or the other related to film making
Follow them on social media. Surround yourself with these people. One day you may get vital information from them. This information may help you sell your screenplay; or it may make you excel in Nollywood.

  • Surround yourself with script writing and film making websites, books, journals, magazines, bulletins and many others
Make script writing be in your life!
Click here to see a list of creative Nollywood movie scripts for sale. They are already reviewed and ready-to-shoot spec scripts.
We have good quality movie scripts for you, and We will collaborate with you to make your Nollywood Movie. Send a mail to

Are you a new Nollywood producer?

Read some of the processes involved in Nollywood Movie Making

(1)Awareness of the prevalent theme: Just take note of the trending situation at present and decide on the type of movie you would want to make.

(2)Idea furnishing: Get exposed on the situation and get your ideas furnished

(3)Story development: Begin to concentrate the ideas to form a story.

(4)Write the story: Develop the screenplay

(5)Re-write the screenplay: Re-write the screenplay and make it ready
for shooting and production

(6)Do the casting: Point out the number of characters that are needed

(7)Do the budgeting: Point out the cost by identifying the elements
and objects needed to shoot the movie

(8)Get sponsors and co producers if need be: Look for persons, media and companies who are willing to partner with you.

(9)Get certifications: Do the necessary registrations and clearances.

(10)Reach out to agents and managers who are stake holders in the movie industry

(11)Contact and negotiate with the actors and actresses: Reach out to their agents and managers.

(12)Scout the locations: Get permissions from the appropriate authorities for locations to be used for the shooting

(13)Keep the locations in order: Design the settings

(14)Schedule the shooting: Manage the timing and dates for the movie shooting

(15)Have a briefing with the crew members: Assemble the collaborators and decide how and when to commence.

(16)Commence the shooting.

(17)The editing should take over after shooting: Production managers should handle things

(18)Proper productions should set in

(19)The media involved should start work to publicize the movie

(20)Organize movie premiers and let the world see your movie

NOTE: The above points are for the separate key players in the Nollywood Movie Making industry - The writer, the re-writer, the casting person, the production manager, the location manager, the director, the editor, the media, the sponsor, the executive producer and the producer.
I'm not encouraging that one person should handle all these himself. I still insist there should be collaboration in moving making. The producer should welcome collaborators.

Note: Send a mail to We will collaborate with you to make your Nollywood Movie

Written by:
Winston Oge (Winny Greazy)
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Click here to see a list of creative Nollywood movie scripts for sale. They are already reviewed and ready-to-shoot spec scripts.
We have good quality movie scripts for you, and We will collaborate with you to make your Nollywood Movie. Send a mail to

This is more or less the qualities of a good Nollywood Scriptwriter.

Dear Nollywood producer, before you hire any writer to write your Nollywood screenplay, take note of these below:

(1)Don't hire any writer who cannot write an action and dramatic movie without guns, swords, machetes, stunts, car chases, and physical fights.
A good writer should know that action packed movies should not always be a movie where two people are fighting with guns and swords. A movie can be filled with actions just from the dialogues of the characters.
There is what we call ''war of words''. A movie full of 'war of words' is not just one of the best action movies, but also a very mature movie. Just the dialogues alone are mightier than the guns. Nollywood movies are soft movies, but yet full of actions. So a Nollywood writer who can't afford to create an action screenplay without guns and stunts is not yet a Nollywood scriptwriter.
Dear producer, hire a writer who can write a dramatic and action movie without guns, swords, machetes, stunts, car chases, and physical fights.

(2)Don't hire any writer who can't provide realizable scenes and locations. 
Getting normal locations for Nollywood movie shooting is not that easy let alone the elusive and imaginative ones. Nollywood writers should be real. Write what it is, not what you think it is! The scene, settings and locations should be a bit real and not far-fetched.
Dear producer, hire a writer who can provide realizable scenes and locations.

(3)Don't hire any writer who cannot match actors to his characters.
Casting Nollywood movies is easy when the writer can suggest the appropriate actors who can take up the characters in his screenplay. A Nollywood scriptwriter should be able to know when a character should fit Mercy Johnson, Nkem Owoh or John Okafor. Dear producer, don't hire a writer who cannot match actors to his characters.

(4)Don't hire any writer afraid of you copying his stories.
A good Nollywood scriptwriter should be dynamic in story hunting and maneuvering. Even after someone copies his story, he should know how to redesign the copied story. A good writer is full of stories. A good
writer should not be afraid.
Dear producer, hire the writer who isn't afraid of you copying his stories.

Note: Send a mail to We will collaborate with you to make your Nollywood Movie

(5)Don't hire any writer who doesn't have a body of work.
When a writer has a body of work, it will be easy for him to give you whatever type of screenplay genre you want. And again it will be a proof the writer is a determined writer. Any writer who has a body of work has a lot of written pieces in different genres and topics.
Dear producer, hire a writer who has a body of work.

(6)Don't hire any writer who writes to show off.
Script-writing is a serious business where the descriptions about actions and dialogues are precise, exact, direct, brief and straight to the point. No need to write to show off. No need to write with 'big
Dear producer, hire the writer who doesn't write to show off.

(7)Don't hire any writer who has no ample knowledge about our economy.
Our country's economy is not buoyant. Nollywood screenplays should be of low budget. The loyal citizens of this country want to get a good, thrilling and satisfying entertainment with part of the little stipends they earn from their various businesses and jobs. And as a result of this, a writer has to diligently accustom himself to fit into their plight by cleverly learning to write exciting,
scintillating, fascinating and awesome story line scripts that are of low budget in production.
Dear producer, hire a writer who has ample knowledge about our economy.

(8)Don't hire any writer who doesn't have channels.
Every business or talent needs to be exported or advertised for consumers or audiences to know about it. This is how writers get known. And any writer that carries out such exercise strives to become a successful writer. A writer should have different media channels like weblog, Facebook, twitter, social columns e.t.c.
Dear producer hire a writer who has channels.

(9)Don't hire any writer who is not determined to become an independent film maker.
The more one thinks of becoming independent, the more they work harder. Writers who are determined to become independent film makers are hardworking writers.
Dear producer, hire a writer who is determined to become an independent film maker.

Written by:
Winston Oge (Winny Greazy)
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Online Shopping:

These are the advantages of buying your needs online

(1)It exposes you to more varieties
A particular brand may have different varieties you didn't know. You may think it's just one type; but when you go online to shop, you'll be amazed.
You will see different colors, sizes, designs, labels, styles, shapes, measurements, carves and more
You'll equally get to see different other brands with their different varieties too. All you will have to do is to chose from these various ranges of varieties.
There is nothing joyful in shopping than having a lot of options and varieties to chose form; it will make you chose the one that suits you best.

(2)There is Accuracy of brands
Shopping on line is very interesting. Everything is well organized. There is high level of accuracy. Every brand is organized in groups according to their specifications, importance, batch of production, sizes, colors, companies and more. Everything is labelled. All you need do is to hover your cursor over the group that best suits you, and then click!
And the main advantage of this is that you'll see and then have the accurate thing you want to buy.

(3)The brands are Original
Online shops are where you can get the original brands of products. You will always get the best. Everything is displayed there for you to see them. The most interesting thing is that high profiled companies are represented. These companies offer their best.

(4)There is Diversity of brands
Brands online are from different companies. Most of these companies are from other countries. This offers the diversity of brands; and consequently allows you to have a taste of other brands from other countries.

(5)The brands are Stylish
You cannot compare what you buy from an online shop with the one buy from the ordinary offline live market. The brands online are so stylish. They are endowed with the latest accessories and designs.
Anything online is seen by the world, so any company that is showcasing and marketing their goods online must make sure the goods are the best, well modified stylish goods.

(6)It's Easy and Convenient
For online shopping, you can do it anytime and anyway you want it - at home, in the office, in the toilet, at school, in the church;
and it's with any device you have - phone, tablet, mini laptop; and it's free! Just click for free, buy, relax and wait for the delivery.
It doesn't require you being a computer guru; once you can see, and you can also be able to click with the mouse on an icon on the computer, you are good to go.

(7)It's Fast and Quick
For online shopping, buying is a click away. As you are clicking, you are already sensing its free delivery.
Some marketers at the ordinary offline live market will tell you to wait till next week before the goods you ordered arrive. But in online shop, it will just be delivered to you immediately.

(8)It Saves your career and Enhances productivity
When you know you don't have to bother yourself by leaving your office, or whatever good thing you are doing at home for the the ordinary offline live market; you'll be very pleased and energized the more to keep on with your work. ''Let me continue with I'm doing in the office; after all, I can use my phone to buy whatever I need right now from an online shop'', you tell yourself.

(9)It's Pay on delivery
Just click for free, buy, relax and wait for the delivery. The delivery will be right there on your door step; and it's pay on delivery!!

(10)It Exposes you to more business
Once you go online to shop, you will see many brands with many different companies. The profiles of these companies are there for you to access. It's possible you can make a deal with them to start marketing their brands directly or indirectly. This is business!
You can also sign up for affiliate and referral marketing. This is a business opportunity!

(11)You'll get the brands at the Original Company Price
Off course! The companies offer their brands at the least price; the company wholesale price. If it was the ordinary offline live market, they would sale to you at a high price; the retail price. This retail price is almost a 40% increase from the original company price. Can you imagine?

(12)It's an Experience
Oh well, shopping online is whole lot of experience. If you are the type that shops online, you will definitely be a guy full of lifestyle experience.
Shopping online is like traveling around the world and getting the best things of life at a very low price.

Written by Winston Oge "Winny Greazy" 

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