“Hakkunde” is an intriguing story of a young graduate who battles everything including love, family, discrimination, drug abuse, tradition and insecurity. It follows his  journey to self-discovery and actualization.
The story is characterized by actions and reactions that defines the everyday Nigerian society, with its ups and downs and with a particular focus on the life of a job hunting graduate “Akande” who found himself in totality while searching for a job, and a better life

Ali Nuhu, Frank Donga, Toyin Aimakhu, Maryam Booth, Ibrahim Daddy, Isa Bello Ja, Rahama Sadau and Hadiza Soja

Produced and directed by Asurf Oluseyi. 
Written by Asurf Oluseyi, Tomi Adesina and Gift Imafidon

The movie is currently being shot in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. Some scenes of the movie will also be shot in Lagos. 

Watch more below: 



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