The series stars Kanayo O Kanayo, Queen Nwokoye, Richard Mofe Damijo, Flavour, Helen Paul, Pope Junior, Bidemi Kosoko, OC Ukeje, Mallam Funky, Bovi Ugboma, Bimbo Akintola, Imeh Bishop Umoh and more!
Mercy Johnson Okojie asCaro, an illiterate orange hawker who became the housemaid of Professor Johnbull . She is a great admirer of her benefactor’s household and appreciates the fact that they are trying to make her a better person in life.
The character Professor John Bull is played by veteran Kanayo O Kanayo. Nicknamed professor ”oh yes” because of his trademark way of always buttressing his points with the phrase “oh yes!” The character is known for his predominant use of high sounding words.
The series shows from 8.30PM to 9PM on Tuesdays and Fridays on NTA network, NTA International and Star times.
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